Armed Militia, in the Michigan State Capital Rotunda, standing as if they all had an erection, but it was their AR-15’s they were holding because, without them, any hint of machismo would be diminished, and without their weapons of death, they decided that democracy could actually succeed, using science and intelligence. Armed Militias, knowing only that there is something called a Second Amendment, all it says is GUNS! Motivated to unseat the Democrat Governor, and provide more fodder for Fascism, Republican-style, these, mostly men, claim their liberties have been taken, almost emasculated by the female Governor Gretchen Whitmer, because, social distancing, and stay in place, place all Michiganders as equal, and if everyone is equal, who gets to play the bully! Civil disobedience with weaponry almost sounds like a rebellion!
Visuals of Americans, working in the Meatpacking industry, literally, “shoulder to shoulder,” the owners of these industries promising to eventually do something to avoid this close contact. Uh Huh! “This administration needs to step up and issue a federal emergency safety standard to protect all workers, rather than protect the profits of corporate cronies,” Debbie Berkowitz, program director for worker safety and health with the National Employment Law Project, said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the President’s action sends a signal to meatpacking companies that workers’ health and ultimately public health doesn’t matter.” Across America, packing plants for beef, pork, chicken, and turkey have been closing as workers fall ill with Covid-19 or die. The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) has said that at least 72 of its members have died from coronavirus, and thousands more may be infected; because of the lack of tests, no one knows the true number. Despite repeated warnings in the presidential briefing books months ago, nobody instructed industry to gear up or how.
Let us make no mistake, America, we will reopen, and Trump will brag about his RECOVERY, this MIRACULOUS RECOVERY. Americans will have to decide, without testing and tracking, and a concerted Federal attempt to contain the COVID-19, how to plan their deaths/ die working/die without adequate wages or income/die because Trump wants to be re-elected/ or die because to work as a village is just too demanding and who the fuck cares about my fellow American!