Did anyone just catch the COWARDS calling themselves GOP Senators, parade past reporters, each asked about the Trump Tiananmen Square moment (my phrase not the reporters) at Lafayette Park, yesterday, and how to the person they pretended they hadn’t seen the video or recollected hearing about it? Even Mittens Romney feigned amnesia! Most were just brazen cowards like McConnell who just strode past with no response, then Billionaire Bond Trader Senator Loeffler, in her Prada shoes, sent her weasel sidekick to hand out a card saying call our office. Senator Scott did take to the microphone to stutter and stammer and say nothing. Raphael Teddy, I talk to Jesus Cruz, not stopping, but in his usual passive-aggressive approach, blamed whatever happened, which he was not aware of on the violent protestors.
Then the Crypt keepers, not able to scatter quick enough, like Senator Barrasso of Wyoming and Roberts of Kansas, panting for breath because their masks were blocking their already difficulty in breathing, muttered LUNCH, I am LATE for LUNCH. Lisa Murkowski, who was certain Trump, became a changed man, had her running shoes on, and only when she got to the exit, stopped for a second and said I Am Late. Joni Ernst tried a sprint but got caught in her own getaway and had to use the late for lunch routine.
Senator Portman tried looking down and had his aide provide a sneer on behalf of the Ohio Senator, and Josh Hawley from the “show me state” of Missouri actually spoke on camera, thinking he could waylay the insidious questions of did you what the fuck the President to peaceful protestors and had the audacity to say he needed more facts, there are two sides to any story…you know, like Trump always states there are GOOD NAZI’s! ALL of these GOP puppets, these playthings for Trump refused to find their backbone or conscience and condemn Trump’s actions. For me, that is just as good as condoning Trump’s DYSTOPIAN behavior and madness! And if you read this, and still remain a Republican you too might as well do as these Senators did and keep your head up Trump’s ass!