I happened to turn on MSNBC, bad habit to watch the news in the morning, because the rest of the I end up mourning the lack of humanity demonstrated by Trump, his Flying Monkeys and the Domestic Terrorists who support him, out of fear that a MAGA Minion will get all hissy and Fascist and either rescind their vote for a GOP politician or demonstrate their sexual perversion towards their AK’s or AR’s and threaten to use the 2nd Amendment Right and shoot up a few things!
Today Representative Jerry Nadler (D) Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing regarding ‘Defunding the Police’ (I will take a privilege here as the writer of this blog, and say I am VERY concerned with the wording used ‘Defunding the Police,’ because for me, what is missing in the title is the truth. If an average person reads the two words Defunding and Police, it comes across that we no longer will provide any allotment for a group who ALL of us require to act as Peace Officers. I become afraid that this newly minted verbiage, does not tell the true story, and for me, that is one about eliminating the violence, systematic prejudice, racism, lack of responsibility, and sheer insatiable appetite of power, provided with very too little consequence, for illegal actions. I also am of the age when Richard Nixon a Criminal himself, as id Trump, used the misinformation and mis-formation of wording to convince the US, that you could have one or the other, LAW and ORDER, or CHAOS. Nixon frightened enough people, and the mafia Boss remained in power. I fear Trump and the GOP are smart enough to misuse the term DEFUNDING THE POLICE, as a battle cry for the stupid folks who can only see the world in black or white, right or wrong, us or them.)
But, I digress, because this blog was originally intended to showcase a simple point of why the COVID-19 shall remain a murderer, and a hunter for victims due to the arrogance, ignorance, and spitefulness of Republican Politicians. As I watched the first few minutes of preparation for this Judicial hearing, the cameras panned the House Chamber, and low and behold, three men, in particular, wore no masks, were at the most one foot away from each other and closer to those they bumped onto along the way and acted as if any CDC precaution to help stop the contamination of COVID-19 was BULL SHIT and not a priority. The three men were Kevin McCarthy (R ) (The House Minority Leader), Jimmy (I know nothing about the harassment of wrestlers at Ohio State) Jordon,( R ) and of course the ever spoiled and pampered, brat Matt (my Dad will fire you for giving me a DUI Ticket) Gaetz (R ). Two major events happening in this nation today, one caused by NATURE/CORONAVIRUS, and the other caused by NURTURE, the racist, violent use of force against African Americans and People of Color in America!