Sov·er·eign cit·i·zen: a member of a political movement of people who oppose taxation, question the legitimacy of government, and believe that they are not subject to the law. If Ya’ just don’t want to be considerate of your fellow human being, the other villagers living in your village…if Ya’ just think that being selfish is a really cool kind of existence, one in which you could give a fuck about what anyone else thinks, or actually could give a HUGE/TREMENDOUS FUCK, about the health or welfare of anyone but YOU…AND if you want government out of your business, when it is inconvenient for your own demands and drama, but necessary when the time comes to complain you are not getting your way…AND the BEST and BIGGEST of the, AND, IS, if you read the Constitution as you might your Bible, and are selective and ONLY pick and choose the passages that suit your needs, like the 2nd Amendment, or God hates FAGS, or God created the Negro as a subservient race to serve the Caucasian OR the life of a zygote in the womb is more relevant than the education, health, and welfare of that child once it is out of the womb…YOU are one hell of a SOVEREIGN CITIZEN!
Seems in Orange County California, the entire state of Ohio and Oregon, the crazy stupid MAGA (you are also a Sovereign Citizen in good standing if you own a MAGA Red Hat or T-Shirt, or a Trump/Pence 2020 Banner) are going nuts over the mere idea that science and medicine actually are more factual than the conspiracy and paranoid theories which float from Breibart Radio/FOX Propaganda/Q-Anon/ the American Good Nazi’s/the KKK, and the American Taliban Evangelical Christian leaderships. These men and women who in reality don’t mind participating in forms of homicide, suicide, and pre-meditated murder, all want their FREEDOM, to infect the rest of their neighborhood, because, as some have stated, they have lungs that work and keep out the Covid-19, they are ‘Mericans, and thus can do and act as they please, and they have listened to TRUMP who has assured them (and he NEVER LIES) that the Chinese FLU/ the Progressive Hoax/ the Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer Virus, will evaporate in just a few more days because TRUMP talks to himself, and HIMSELF has assured HIM, that the CORONAVIRUS is just one more anti-American piece of Democrat bull shit to UN MAKE AMERICA GREAT!
State and Local Health Professionals have been threatened, some with their lives, harassed, and have resigned due to the sheer stupidity BY political forces from which TRUMP and PENCE and their REPUBLICAN ENABLERS continue to lie. Forget the fact over 115 Thousand deaths have occurred. It is the life of the CORPORATION via the economy, and of course the selfish hedonistic lives of the SOVERIGN CITIZEN that truly matter. And oh yeah, at the next Rally Trump holds, all who participate without the “sissy/ emasculating Democrat mask on their faces or spit and spittle on one another because Social Distancing is for Communists, or Fascists ( ain’t that a kick in the balls…a Communist leader, Putin hacked Trump into office, and Trump is dying to become a Dystopian Fascist Dictator), have to sign a waiver, NOT TO SUE TRUMP IF THEY BECOME INFECTED WITH THE NON-EXISTENT COVID-19 VIRUS! SOVEREIGN CITIZENS…the scum of the scum of the scum!