8:46 Minutes. Today, June 8, 2020, George Floyd is being laid to rest in Houston. We have witnessed, an almost two-week daily madness, a battle, testing the stamina, strength, and security, of the soul of this nation, against the sinister, insidious, sad, unthinkable, and pure self-serving of a sociopath. It took a knee to the neck of a man being who was just someone BLACK, to squeeze the oxygen out of his lungs, for Americans of all demographics to realize, the given facts of JUST BREATHING, is no longer a human right. All of this when prior to this heinous and racist purposeful act (a demonstration of I HAVE THE POWER, and YOU DON’T) people discovered that a one-time assumption that all humans can and will breathe freely ain’t necessarily so! And all the while, as George Floyd, struggled to inhale, some Americans have also been suffering the consequences of a hidden enemy, a CORONAVIRUS, whose grip more powerful even than a KNEE, have stopped them from inhaling, and like George Floyd, never exhaling again.
8:46 Minutes. It took even less time for a sitting President to initiate American Troops to act as if American people were foreign enemies and approach our nation with the anger, might, and madness of a Military ready to go to war against OUR own THEIR own fellow Americans, placing their riot gear, assault weapons, helicopters, and tanks on the neck of democracy, hoping to choke the last vestiges of a Constitution, into submission. A psychologically deranged man, with the title of President, Commander-In-Chief, with a sycophant piss ant Attorney General, (Barr) and a political hack pretending to be JUST another Toy Soldier for Trump's collection of machismo memento’s the Secretary of Defense (Esper), one Son of the Confederacy still hoping the South will rise again Mark Meadows (Chief of Staff), and a cunning, calculating grifter, all about the photo ops, (expensive, clothing and props to cover any blood from her own empty conscience…or lack of) intentionally disregarding the personal freedoms of American’s)Princess Ivanka, acting with the same disregard hoping to choke out any image of empathy with a show of force, paraded and provided proof that “I Can't Breathe, is meaningless if it serves no purpose but to keep Trump in power!
8:46 Minutes. Four men whose oath to Keep the Peace, Protect and Serve, placed a chokehold on any respect remaining for a Police Force, one in which many more have tried to do their job to keep daily life in this nation inhaling and exhaling. But this time Derek Chauvin/J. Alexander Kueng/Thomas Lane/Tou Thao, like Trump, like the CORONAVIRUS, like the Good Nazi’s, like the KKK, the politicians in towns, cities, counties, states, and the Federal Government, acting as if they saw, heard or spoke of NO EVIL, managed to not only snuff out the hope of finally inhaling a deep satisfying breath, but instead demonstrated a sinister action to smother, and let Black Americans die another day. 8:46 Minutes, maybe, in the death of one man those minutes which ended his life, can be used to bring back the breath of hope and change. But I am not holding my breath for the time being!