Saturday, April 20, 2024


 Republicans erupt into open warfare over Ukraine aid package vote. (The Guardian)

ACTUALLY, who is surprised by the Republican’s actions against Ukraine…they hate democracy, they loathe a free nation…they have demonstrated the same disgust against American democracy and freedom!


For the first time, U.S. may force polluters to clean up these ‘forever chemicals’ (The Washington Post)

ACTUALLY, Who bets that this will happen in our lifetime, or the lifetime of all of us who have been inhaling or absorbing these chemicals? I, how long did it take the tobacco companies to stop producing cigarettes…um, never…how long has it taken the oil Cartels to clean up their acts, um, never, and how long has it taken for the Weapons cartel to stop manufacturing weapons of war used by anyone but the military!


Conservatives Suddenly Realize Tucker Carlson Is a Lying Russia Dupe. (New York)

ACTUALLY, have they now? Actually, these same Conservatives still embrace Putin’s Puppet, TRUMP. They permit Margie-Putin-Greene to act as House Speaker. They support no aid to Ukraine. Tucker-Putin-Carlson is just like the majority of current Republican Conservatives.


Nobel laureate Esther Duflo proposes taxing 3,000 billionaires to protect the world’s poorest from climate change—and most Americans likely agree with the plan. (Fortune)

ACTUALLY, until these 3,000 or so billionaires no longer can buy, own, or operate every Politician in America and the parts of the world supposedly run by Democracy, and until many of those billionaires are not self-anointed Kings, Royals, Authoritarians, in charge of how things happen, this AIN’T gonna go anywhere, even, as the headline reads and most Americans agree with the idea!


How tiresome it is and how insulting it is to read articles like these, which pretend that somehow change is possible, when ACTUALLY reality has said “NO!”