Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Limiting terms

 The debate over terms limits involves competing concepts. Supporters believe the mandatory changing of elected representatives in Congress would better represent the electorate, while opponents think that experienced representatives would make better policy decisions and reduce the influence of lobbyists over inexperienced officials. (consitutioncenter.org)

BULL CRAP, actually BULL SHIT. Opponents of term limits for members of Congress, somehow, still living in some kind of UN-REAL world, believe that better policy decisions COULD or WOULD be made, somehow because those in power longer actually believe in what is better for the people than what IS much better for their own personal lives. Mitch ( The Death Reaper) McConnell, now a multimillionaire, actually places people before his own good? Ms. Lindsey Graham places the well-being of Americans over her desire to keep Putin Tapes of her private life private, most likely? Marco Rubio, has any idea of what makes America great, other than what about America can make him greater?


Franklin D. Roosevelt would die on April 12, 1945, just 82 days after his fourth inauguration. Vice President Harry Truman succeeded him. In the 1946 midterm elections, Republicans would take control of both the House and the Senate. FDR’s long tenure as president had led to questions of presidential tyranny. And many of the new congressmen supported an amendment that would limit presidential terms. When the 80th Congress convened in January of 1947, the issue was given top priority. (npr)


Way back then, the Republicans feigned fright that the Democrat President would somehow create a form of Presidential tyranny when actually they, once again, were more concerned about their inability to promote a President who cared more about the people than the wealthy. NOW, the Republican Party has no problem supporting a candidate who hates democracy, loathes justice and liberty, and who has made it clear that if elected, he indeed will bring TYRANNY to America!