Friday, April 5, 2024

"Wait, wait!"

 Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me? *(No Not the show on NPR) 

Our only Super Market in the area (one might think of it as A MONOPOLY, is called Stop and Shop. Dark and dingy, usually out of the products you just purchased the week before, this Super Market is the only game in town unless you wish to travel to Orleans, MA, which is located approximately 26.7 miles, maybe 35 minutes off-season, but fucking more than an hour during the season. So today’s burning question regarding- so-called INFLATION is fixed on a few issues.


“What, wait, don’t tell.” Why at Stop and Shop, if one purchased a jar of Smucker’s 12oz Strawberry Jam, it cost $4.99, and the Smuckers 12oz jar of Concord Grape Jam cost $5.99? “Wait, wait, don’t tell me” why, for the last time, the Provincetown Stop and Shop actually had boxes of Fiber One Cereal on the shelves it cost $9.89, and for the next few months, there were no Fiber One Boxes of Cereal, yet if one did decide to travel to the Orleans Stop and Shop, one could find a plethora of Fiber One Cereal Boxes costing only $6.99? Wait,wait, don’t tell me.” Why, almost every three weeks, by the third week, Cool Whip is on sale for two for $4.00 and all the other times, it ranges in price from $3.89 to $4.28..28?


I happened to watch Morning Joe today (I find him so pompous and seemingly so forgetful that when HE was a Republican in Congress, he was very, very right-wing, but now somehow, somehow, all of his past has passed). Anyway, the segment I caught has Stephanie Ruhl speaking about the good job numbers and economy this month. Sadly the perception initiated and motivated by Republicans and woosie Democrats is that somehow the economy is worse that during Trumps’ Reign of Terror. But it was a very -faire comment from Stephanie in which she, without batting an eyelash, said, “Life Is Expensive, these days. Wait, wait, don’t tell me, but how the fuck is that an answer. Okay, it is expensive, but for whom, I beg the question?


Is it expensive for the  Stop and Shop CEO and their sharer shareholders? Is it expensive for the CEO’s and Share Holders at Smuckers? Is it expensive for Kraft-Heinz Company CEO and Shareholders who produce Cool Whip? Or is it just more profitable to make THINGS EXPENSIVE!!!!