Saturday, April 13, 2024


 Fascist AMERIKA and its own brand of Brown Shirts, White Robes, and Red Hats. The attempt, and it is sadly succeeding, to make America great again, as in the days of slavery, misogyny, segregation, bigotry, and xenophobia. The attempt to make AMERIKA great again is for a select few who are insecure, inept, unintelligent, empty, and angry at everyone else’s achievements because their only viability and visibility is to hate. 

The Safety in Private Spaces Act, or House Bill 1521, prohibits transgender people from using state-owned bathrooms that align with their gender identity. The measure has emboldened some citizens to monitor and confront those they suspect violating this law in various locations, including restaurants, gyms, and cinemas, where the law doesn’t apply.

Elliott King, for example, described a tense encounter in a men’s bathroom that left him shaken and contemplating leaving Florida for a safer environment. During a routine visit to get his oil changed, King encountered a stranger who aggressively questioned his gender identity. After affirming he was a man, King was met with continued scrutiny and a demeaning retort: “You don’t look like it.” (ADVOCATE)


Be it separate bathrooms, seats in the back of the bus, white’s only facilitates of the post-Civil War, the “papers please,” of Nazi Germany, the yellow Jewish patch, or the pink triangle for homosexuals and other perceived deviants of Germany, or the current crop of non-medical politicians and their dubious gang of goons pretending to have any iota of women’s reproductive body parts in Amerika; we are witnessing HISTORY (that horrifying factual recalling of our past, so feared and loathed by American Christian Nationalists) repeat itself. And as HISTORY is dubiously repeating itself, it is dredging up the VIGILANTE, the monster created by man and woman. The arrogant and totally ignorant, whose own lives are only miserable and rotted, think they have little to fear themselves acting as the bully; many, to most of them lacking any insight or introspective abilities, have no idea that what goes around WILL come around.