Thursday, April 25, 2024


 With global attention focused on Iran’s escalating conflict with Israel, Tehran has intensified its domestic crackdown on women, giving police expanded powers to enforce conservative dress codes. (Washington Post)

How Close to Death Must a Person Be to Get an Abortion? (New York)

Iran, the United States, one, Iran is officially a Theocratic Fascist Government, the other, the United States is aiming to become a Theocratic Fascist Government. Both nations enjoy placing women as nothing more than chattel, breeders, and less than people. The only difference is that one nation is using Mohamad as their scapegoat, and the other nation is using Jesus as their scapegoat. 


It was maybe the most memorable moment so far in Donald Trump's case for "absolute presidential immunity" -- and it could come up again at the U.S. Supreme Court in historic arguments on Thursday. The arresting question: Could a commander in chief order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival and not face criminal prosecution?

These voters in key state aren't sure about Biden or Trump. (CNN)

TRUMP has stated very clearly his intentions to reshape America into some kind of Dystopian wasteland, a North Korea of North America, perhaps. The fact regarding TRUMP’s intentional fraud, his disrespect for women, his constant lying have almost smothered any remaining oxygen of our current American life. But yet, there are citizens of this nation who are undecided about the November election. HOW!


Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., went after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., on Tuesday, saying that Greene was a threat to the Republican Party and was "dragging our brand down." (NBC News)

“Taking our brand down,” says Republican Senator Tillis really Senator, suddenly you assume that Margie-Putin-Greene is the cause for the shitty stench of the Republican Party. Overturning Roe, “don’t say Gay,” not taxing the wealthy, trying to end Social Security, trying to stop any measure of climate control, fighting Unions, those, just as starters, are what your GOP Brand is all about. Come on Tommy boy are you now trying to OUTSTUPID Tuberville as the dumbest ass Republican Senator!