Monday, April 29, 2024


 I write this BLOG, perhaps with great SNARK, in a RHETORICAL demeanor, or maybe, perhaps, in complete EARNEST. And as I write this BLOG, I am full of angst, a churning belly of anxiety, and a whole lot of anger.

When, in our human history did we stop learning some really important lessons about life, SHOULD NEVER BE IGNORED????? If we ever touched a hot stove, a hot pan, placed our fingers on a sharp blade…when we drank one too many shots of alcohol, when we tried to jump over a mail box…whenever we acted out of sheer stupidity and resulted in great pain and harm…USUALLY, we learned lessons on HOW NOT TO DO THAT AGAIN! As parents or older siblings, or even friends, we provide great details on the pitfalls of being foolish, on the harmful effects of cockiness, of the horrors of injury, both physically and mentally.


And yet, in America of 2024, it seems lessons of self-destruction, doom, and stupidity are ignored or, worse, purposely forgotten.


We learned that Presidents are fallible when NIXON showcased his distaste for the law. We knew then that no President should ever be above the law, and YET now, we hear the Supreme Court pontificate that somehow having a President above the law is a means to save Democracy. April 12, 1861, we learned that pretending that somehow states rights should usurp the rights and freedoms of any citizen of the United States, as in slavery being a state's right. We fought a bloody Civil War trying to correct this misleading notion, and YET here we are once again insisting that states have the right to discriminate against American citizens, be they females, Trans People, or LBG people. We fought a world war, understanding that Fascism, Authoritarianism, and Dictatorship are true enemies of the state and that any person seeking to become kind of a KING is dangerous to our FREEDOM.


When, WHEN, I ask and beg, and PLEAD, did so many of us decide that history ignored is no big deal?