Tuesday, April 9, 2024


 The Arizona Supreme Court ruled to make abortion largely illegal in the Grand Canyon State, reinstating a 160-year-old law that forbids all procedures except those to save a woman’s life. Justice John R. Lopez IV, writing for the court in a 4-2 split decision, said that a 2022 law allowing abortions up to 15 weeks of gestation depended on the existence of a federal constitutional right to abortion. And since the U.S. Supreme Court eliminated that right in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization ruling two years ago, that law can’t overrule one first passed in 1864, when Arizona was a territory. (Arizona Mirror)

Donald Trump unveiled a video announcement yesterday morning on his newest position on abortion policy, and if the former president’s goal was to make everyone “happy,” he failed spectacularly. Critics on the left, for example, noted all of the questions the Republican left unresolved, the absurd lies Trump included in the clip, and the degree to which he celebrated his role in rolling back reproductive rights in the United States. (MSNBC)


So desperate to become King of America (and to remain King for his eternity), DON THE CON  has once again used his language of DOUBLE SPEAK, SNAKE OIL SPEWING, and his belief that “THERE IS A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE, and that those suckers WILL VOTE FOR HIM! (So far, his Bull shit, his snake oil ointment, and his total disregard for truth and reality have paid off for him.)


Now the Arizona Supreme Court, relying on an archaic law established when women were chattel and negros slaves, declared that since the Supreme Court of Amerika has overthrown Roe vs. Wade, and because the Supreme Court of Amerika by which three of the Justices were nominated by TRUMP, thus extending the majority of Christian Authoritarians, MADE IT CLEAR that states can once again declare women as second class citizens, just like those good old days of 1864, HAS GLADLY FOLLOWED TRUMPS LEAD AGAINST ABORTION RIGHTS.


So now DON THE CON suddenly notices that his actions just might have consequences, not for the rest of us but for DON THE CON!