Sunday, April 28, 2024

Ms. Lindsey, once again

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., on Sunday argued that Americans will not cast their ballots this fall based on Donald Trump's criminal charges as the former president faces an unprecedented trial in New York. On CNN’s "State of the Union," Graham railed against the indictments against the former president, claiming that most Americans are less concerned about Trump's four separate criminal cases at the state and federal level than the challenges facing the nation as a whole. (USA Today)

Let’s put aside, for the moment at least, Ms. Lindsey’s constant wearing of her T-shirt, “I Am With Stupid,” or her continuous worry about Putin’s secret and probably most alarming videotape of Ms. Lindsey, actually performing as MS. LINDSEY.  Let us realize that this spinless, testicle-less Trump eunuch can never wander too far off his leash, fear of TRUMP RETRIBUTION, and listen to his words. 


I do agree, sadly so, that a large minority of Americans will decide that economics should be prioritized over something as amorphous for them as Democracy. I compare it to Climate Change for these same demographics; as long as they can breathe fresh air today, way too many of them don’t give much of a shit about breathing fresh air tomorrow. As long as they think democracy will last forever, way too many refuse even to consider,, that in a TRUMP second term on day one, that too will DISAPPEAR. 


But here is where I beg all those well-paid “Democrat Talking Heads” to try and actually earn their money; by informing and educating, CONSTANTLY, this group of heads up their own asses, selfish folk to begin to grasp a better factual present, and future. Begin in simplistic terms to let these FOLKS know whose taxes had been lowered by TRUMP (THE UBER WEALTHY). Who helped spearhead the demise of Roe V Wade, TRUMP. Who had helped Corporations to keep their profits HIGH while keeping prices HIGHER, TRUMP.


Ms. Lindsey is nothing but a sycophant, a 21st-century fraud, but Ms. Lindsey knows that fraud can work!