Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Amazing AIN'T it

 For the first time in five months, NASA engineers have received decipherable data from Voyager 1 after crafting a creative solution to fix a communication problem aboard humanity’s most distant spacecraft in the cosmos. (CNN)

And YET, here on Earth, the wait time for most to many CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES can take hours, and hours and hours.  Technology can be a very important component in helping to accomplish things, except when it seems Earthbound, technology seems more interested in avoiding getting anything accomplished. Amazing AIN’T it!


Some one in four Democrats aren't planning to vote for Joe Biden in this year's presidential election, a poll has shown. (NEWSWEEK)

And YET, pretending that not voting for Biden this year, in particular, is somehow a righteous stance, assuming (and we all know to assume is to make an ASS out o of U and ME) that by NOT voting for Biden you are standing your ground or is it rather you are preparing the groundwork for TRUMP to become King, and as King remove you from voting for anyone else in the future. Is it selfishness? Is it ignorance? Are those who will not vote for Biden this year, just walking around with their heads up their own asses? Amazing AIN’T it!


Fox News, another arm of the Murdoch media empire, had already taken aim at the Georgia Republican last week, with columnist Liz Peek calling her an “idiot” and saying she needs to “turn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats.” (The New Republic)

And YET, the Republicans and their anarchist loving donors like the Murdoch’s only seem to worry what kind of harm Putin loving peasants like Margie Greene, and her cadre of Moscow loving Freedom Caucus clowns are doing against the Republican Party. None of these enemies of the state have uttered word one regarding the war on Democracy, Liberty and Freedom and how destructive these Republican MAGA’s actions have weakened this nation. Amazing AIN’T it!