Friday, April 26, 2024

Once again SAD

 This week, the Supreme Court managed to fail to meet the already extremely low expectations most sane people already had for it. First, during the Idaho EMTALA case on whether hospitals receiving federal funding can refuse to provide abortions to women who are actively dying as a result of a pregnancy, we heard debate over which, and how many, organs a woman had to lose before an abortion becomes legally acceptable. By all appearances, it looks as though the court is going to gut the already laughably weak “life of the mother” protections by a 5-4 vote. (The New Republic)

They AIN’T Pro-life, they AIN’T Pro-Democracy, they ARE Pro- Christian Nationalism, Fascism. The GOP Activist Justices, the ones owned and operated by their Federalist Society, the ones who have lavish gifts of money, trips, and real estate provided to them, prefer hyperbole and hypocrisy, contradiction, and inconstancy over law, order, and justice.


And now these same Con Artists are actually going to decide if TRUMP can become an AUTOCRAT, A KING, A DICTATOR, and a ROYAL.


And for me, here is the kicker: three of these “shysters” were first nominated to their lifetime tenure by a guy who DID NOT WIN THE POPULAR VOTE, actually LOSING THE POPULAR VOTE BY MILLIONS OF VOTES. So the guy who the majority of Americans did not WANT as THEIR PRESIDENT was able to set up one more Con for the American Public.


And now, it looks like these same group of grifters, like Thomas and Alito, these same group of liars like Gorsuch, Barrett, and Kavanaugh, and this same Chief Justice more concerned with his power than the true power of justice, Roberts, are going to ignore the foundations of our Constitution, to appease their wealthy, wealthy owners and operators! Fucking SAD!