Wednesday, April 10, 2024

New Knowledge

 “…one of the main motivations for the Holy Inquisition was the ‘rooting out of new knowledge’…” ( The term used to defend this fear of free thought and free choice was called heresy. Identifying anyone who was not loyal either to the Catholic Church or the Spanish Royalty as Heretics made punishment, torture, or isolation seem reasonable. After all, if people had the sheer audacity to seek new knowledge and disagree with the established powerful and speak up against the Royals or the Church, then those in POWER might discover that they, in fact, were in the minority! 

An INQUISITION, a bit of history entangled in the ugly part of a small group of people who tried their damndest to RETAIN POWER/MAINTAIN POWER, and to try and always keep all the POWER FOR THEMSELVES.


And now, in the year 2024, a long time since the Inquisition began and ended in the 13th century, in the United States, the Republican Party and their evil twin MAGA have launched their version of an AMERICAN INQUISITION.


You can’t say Gay; you must adhere to the rules of the Christian American Nationalist Church regarding the female body and the female reproductive system. You must ignore medical advice on vaccination and preventative care and instead follow the lead of people whose only medical background is to have studied Conspiracy Theories. You must be either male or female, and in being male or female, you must adhere to the sexual practices designated by, once again, non-medical wannabes. You must be called a sinner if, in fact, you are not an ex-president, current Congress Republican Member of Congress, sitting Governor, or Billionaire who has purchased or is in the process of purchasing Republican politicians. 


 You must adhere to HYPOCRICY at all times. And you must NEVER, EVER, seek out NEW KNOWLEDGE!