Monday, September 10, 2018


It is the deed as if like a seed, whose roots begin the foundation of something so substantial, weathering the wildest of winds or faltering like a feather at the first breeze, permitting it to plummet and finally fail. The intention is not by word alone, but by imparting an action, and articulating the next move with perseverance and a presence not always perfect but with precision, purpose. We are human, and in birth with our full first breath, we begin a journey to become one another’s link sharing a life of love, living this life. It seems the easiest of tasks, but becomes burdensome and brooding for some, or simply insincere for others, but begs to be nothing more than natural, normal just one more nuance of who we are, and why we become!

For the world in which Judaism is celebrated, whether it be the holiest tenants, the colorful customs, the personally unique understanding of a God or a Higher Power, or one more holiday your mother and father declared essential; the New Year has come to visit, yet again and we wish each other L’Shana Tovah! But then again, to wish “a good year,” it must not only be the words but the performance of granting that wish and having it find fruition.

Apples, honey, sweetness, renewal all rich applications for the Hebrew year 5779, words to soften the opening of another chance to live a life of promise and peace. For many Jews the Book of Life, once again is opening, and chance, or choice, consequence or commitment is scribbled onto pages invisible to the eye, but floating like invisible ghosts as we inhale and exhale. It is our actions, not just dreams or desires but deeds which place some unseen pen to an invisible paper.

In the year 2018, I have sadly witnessed the word as the weapon, dooming many deeds, and then leading the action to create wounds and not wonders. My covenant with my God, with my Higher Power, is to act upon the good, not just wish it, but to do it, swiftly, sincerely and to resist any and all who refuse.

May you be inscribed in a book of life, of action and deed! Shana Tovah!