Injustice! All of us understand that the practice of the Republican Party under the direction of Mitch McConnell with the full blessings of its “God Father” Trump, has been to usurp any democratic process and replace it with a form of anarchy, treason, and crimes against the common citizen. Checks and Balances are no longer valid, the will of the people has been replaced with the wants of the wealthy, all of this coordinated with the belief that Vladimir Putin not only has the “goods” on the Trump but the RNC. Add to that, the Theocrats, whose disdain for a democracy which permits Freedom From Religious Persecution and their American version of the Taliban, and We The People…in 2018 are suffering consequences not even the brightest of the Founding Leaders of this nation even imagined.
The Senate Oligarchs, like Grassley, Hatch, Cornyn, Graham, whose sideline is to receive dark money from Russian Oligarchs, the 1% of wealthy Americans and corporations, have little respect for the people who elected them, but an excellent allegiance for self-preservation, and are so used to double speak, they have no idea how much they are smothering in hypocrisy. We the people try to reason, try to compromise, but our actions are meaningless, if we intend to STOP, these Oligarchs from receiving their bonus packages.
The Supreme Court had been diminished in stature once the Clarence Thomas fiasco was permitted to be ramrodded through with little to no insistence for the truth to be told. Justice Kennedy, a traitor to this nation, holding secrets regarding his son’s corrupt behavior for Trump, aided and abetted the demise of the Supreme Court, and the mere fact that Judge Garland had NO hearing at all, was the icing on the cake, for the Republican Party to shout out loud a big FUCK YOU AMERICA. Here we are arguing if Brett Kavanaugh suddenly is the correct Justice to be placed on the Supreme Court, not knowing much about his history, except for the pieces that the GOP believe make the fairy tale have a happy ending. The Republicans and Trump, FOX News and Putin have become the new Axis of Evil and are destroying the very essence of free, equal, fair and just. When does the common man and woman begin the revolution to win back our nation?