Sunday, September 30, 2018


Yes, or No! Why is it when many Cabinet members, Judicial appointees, and Supreme Court Justices are interviewed for their potential employment, the simplicity of a yes or a no seems so tricky…and worse, why is the denial of a yes or no, taken with a grain of salt as if, a nonanswer is just fine, thank you? Of course, we are all permitted a point of view, but serving a nation which at one time made a decision that all people should be considered equal under the law, there must be an insistence that your point of view ha more of a compromise than confusion and conflict. 

The truth of the matter is also teetering on a tenuous tightrope of partisanship, undermining any form of democracy and being replaced by demagoguery. Threats of some kind of retaliation, because easy questions asked, are hard to answer, because if answered with the facts, might diminish a candidates potential, and the plans of a political Party to undermine anyone’s goals but their own. Hissy Lindsey Graham insisting that he will get even with the Dems because, a lying scheming, temperamental tyrant is unqualified to embrace most of America, is like the Wicked Witch threatening to send out the Flying Monkeys. And for Brett, the Brat to maliciously mock and make light of serious questions regarding his past and his personality not only should dismiss him from sitting on the highest court but should BEG, for further investigation into all parts of his past and present. 

Look at the men behind the pursuit of having Kavanaugh placed in the Royal Court. Trump, a proven liar, an admitted sexual harasser of women, Hatch and Grassley both lost souls from there generations ago, whose beliefs have been demonstrated that females should be seen and not heard. Lindsey Graham, bragging about being that single white male who will never change his mind regarding his own perceptions of the way of the world, and Ted, The Prophet Cruz, who uses some kind of Christian voodoo, omitting the kindness and grace of his God, replacing it with punishment and hate. And look at most of the Republican Party, now seems more and more to have had the assistance of Russian Oligarchs, and their billions of finance dollars to aid and abed the political ambitions of the RNC.

Yes, or No! Jeff Flake is made to be a hero, and whimpering right behind him are Susie Collins, Lisa Murkowski, pretending that more investigation is necessary to find the truth. And all the while, as if some mind of bonus finally found its way into honest vetting, Trump, himself under a cloud of immoral actions, has limited the scope of discovering the truth.  It ain’t over, and until justice is served it will never be over, just more of the same old denial and refusal fo a YES or a NO!