Oh yeah, and a few more THINGS on my mind…I don’t care how long Senator Feinstein held on to Dr. Ford’s information because all Senator Feinstein did was use Mitch McConnell’s HANDBOOK OF DIRTY POLITICS
And HISSY Lindsey, how much ass can you kiss until you turn into orange hemorrhoid? You Putin loving/Trump sucking/Treason romancing douchebag! Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders has the gall to send a Tweet saying God Bless You. And Ted the anointed one all pompous and pretentious spewing the vile venom of a person being Exorcised, you have no idea of right or wrong, good or bad, but when it comes to the Con, well remember you came in second place after Trump.
And Brett, hope you went home to have a beer…but I hope your wife and daughters remained somewhere safe…You are a raging denying alcoholic with a mood disorder and terrible tendencies for Temper Tantrums.
And No Flat Earther’s/FOX Lemmings, Brett is as phony an American as your Emperor Trump. He may be the boy next door, but remember the movie American Psycho…