Monday, September 24, 2018

Witch Trials

The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of women accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than 200 people were accused, nineteen of whom were found guilty and executed by hanging.

On Thursday, September 27, 2018, Salem witch hunters will convene in the senate chambers of the United States in the of Washington DC. Undaunted and with great intention to protect the current Commander-In-Chief, himself an admitted harnesser of women, male Senators will hold a mock hearing and demean the due process of selecting an appropriate and acceptable Supreme Court Justice. Afraid of the rights of women to demand respect, the rights of women to be considered equal citizens of this nation and fearful that a group of dark money donors depending on the demise of the democratic process might take their bribery elsewhere, male Senators will pretend that “horsing around”, and attempted rape is nothing but history and have nothing to do with the refinement of a Supreme Court Justice.

For those in Trump Land who think this is just a final plan by the Democrats, a sort of a “Hail Mary”, try to explain why thought the process of vetting Brett Kavanaugh, ALL information discovered by the GOP hadn’t been released to the minority party, and why the American public, who will pay dearly for Kavanaugh’s lifetime appointment was not provided access to ALL of the facts. Perhaps Senator Feinstein played a little rough, as did Mitch McConnell, maybe the Minority party has pulled some of the schemes and smoke and mirror habits of McConnell and Company…suppose all you wish, but how much truth do we as Americans really know about Brett Kavanaugh…It wasn’t correct that we permitted Trump to NOT present both are financial and health records for public display, we are paying the price for our lack of caring…WE MUST NOT allow, the Republicans to once again kick us in our collective asses, and pretend, there is nothing to see here.

The only reason there is nothing to see here, IS because the GOP is not letting us look at it. If Mr. Kavanaugh is innocent, let's read the whole story…if Mr. Trump proclaims his innocence of oh so many crimes, why can’t we see ALL of his information…same story, different person, but the same SIN? We have already witnessed the demise of checks and balances in OUR lifetime, must we sit back and permit the implosion of fair and just, and the pursuit of happiness just die a death by the Republican Senators who are either scared shitless by Trump or blackmailed by Putin! The Salem Witch Trials, will not be history read, but history in the making once again, if we do not RESIST!