Sunday, September 2, 2018

to stop

There is the new day, again and again. We suppose the sun has begun its trek, its drowsy meander across the planet, the place where even if called by different names, the things that live there, greet the morning with reverence, irreverence, reason, mystery, mayhem or magic…but caring little for formalities , the yellow orb continues as it has for eons, and lets us guess just how and why its journey IS again, and again.

We are not sure if we are mere mortals, ancient experiments of an alien race hoping to improve their own lot in life. Some find our roots from the original wham, bam, thank you, ma’am of a bang so big that portions of the universe fell from the firestorm and began to build life,, others believe that the Highest Power ever known, conceived and delivered a promise of free will and want, while some just say it is evolution, so enough questions already. 

The question becomes, what IF everything we know, everything we take for granted, and everything we think might come next just stopped. We have history to prove that yesterday did find its today, but living now, are we certain of the future. It is the small things we are lectured, that count, that matter, that have meaning. The sun hangs low in the morning and lowers in the evening, it knows the next location to send its beams of hope. All of us now, the recipients of the rays, are not quite sure what comes next. 

It is the Days of Trump, and as the myriad of mayhem surrounds us, ALL of us must stop for a second, and decide how will the future look, even as the sun shines, then sleeps then shines again!