I WANT MY VOICE HEARD, I WANT OUR VOICES HEARD… enough already, how much more bull shit must we endure, must we merely and plainly inhale, must we adhere to, regarding the corrupt Trump Administration and his comrade of clowns who insist that the Constitution was never really written for the common man or woman, but for the elite for the black monied 1% who only care about their well being, ENOUGH already. Trumps corrupt, the Republicans are evil, the Russians have corrupted them. I am so tired of the Talking Heads pretending there are alternative reasons form not calling Trump a LIAR. I am tired of corrupt Republican politicians paid to speak in double speak to protect Trump as if he was something holy!
How much more must we take to understand that an illicit and illegal narcissist a puppet of Putin is sitting in the Oval Office? Stop the madness already. We have a hacked hooligan as president, a sham of a snake oil con man pretending to be the President. EVERYONE must shout out loud treason, anarchy, and impeachment…every moment Trump remains in office is every moment the innocent suffer and the evil win!