Few times in my 68-year-old life do I remember sitting in front of the television, wondering what comes next, and will there actually be a next day in which the world I live can survive….
My family gathered to watch as Walter Cronkite explained that we had initiated an embargo around Cuba…we observed the shots in Dallas and Jackie Kennedy marching along Pennsylvania Avenue with her young son and daughter…we watched as Dr. King’s death had been announced, and the fiery and flammable reaction from communities of color, expressing their most profound loss of a hero…we watched as Bobby Kennedy fell to the ground in a bath of blood in a hotel kitchen…
Now I am, sitting in my living room, witnessing a witch trial run by Republican cowards, unable to fulfill their own responsibilities as public servants…all eager to deny a fair inquiry into an alleged incident…wanting to play politics with the highest court of the land…painting an innocent woman as the villain…compromising all the checks and balances this nation had once provided to seek justice and truth…
Republican men are afraid to be seen bullying a female but able to sit back and find a lackey to their bidding…the Commander-In-Chief, himself an admitted sexual harasser, thinking his nose and abilities to seek the truth, presuming it is HIS own digressions being on trial… To listen to Little Lindsey Graham so self-assured that nothing anyone can say will deter him from his political determination to sneak in yet another Supreme Court Justice, threatening the Dems that if they don’t play fair, just watch out (of course forgetting the fact that Merrick Garland was NEVER given any chance at due process!
I watch this am glued to the TV, and wonder, worry and can only hope good will triumph over evil!