Thursday, May 31, 2018

Here's A Story

Putin had a plan, he needed a man, to make sure his plan, THAT of a devious, destructive demise of democracy. Putin decided Donald the Dumb should be declared the winner in the almost democratic process, desired by a once world power, the United States! So with bankrolls of money, Putin and his gang of Oligarchs blackmailed and bribed a broad range of Republicans, who were wise enough to understand their brand of bigotry sold well in the land of the Confederacy, and FOX News clones, but for the fair-minded, free thinker, anything GOP, was groping at straws, and truly a no go if the districts were not gerrymandered. Putin had patience, and a vendetta, as did the Germans longing for revenge who became the ringleaders of the Third Reich. Vendettas are like very venomous vermin, then they attack, the poison spreads through the bloodstream, first maiming, then confusing, and finally killing the prey. No more enemy, no more angst, and the victory is complete.

Trump had the need for greed, the kind that comes with power, prestige, and prominence. In a usual world, hard work, handily lets that happen, but in a dim, dark diminished cave, void and vacant of conscience, care or concern, to become better, has nothing to do with courage, and everything to entice the cowardliness and callowness craving for attention inside your gut, where a conscience was supposed to be. A pathological liar is so good at creating his or her reality, a needy narcissist needs knowingly feeds upon others fears, and a traitor has no need for allies, just anarchists who, too feel that they are right and everyone else is not only wrong but must be gotten rid of.

McConnell made sure that his empire would, like the Death Star, take no prisoners. Prepared with peppered propaganda, nurtured from a nation of Communists, and written by a news network who understood how to victimize and when to verbalize the lack of values and virtues of its cult-like viewers, the Republican leader made promises to hateful demographics to destroy the current form of democracy and replace it with a new Nationalism, and let the Evangelicals call it a Christian Nationalism. McConnell, permitted his southern flank of Confederate soldiers and his Northern wing of White Supremacists to burn, beat up and beret the OTHERS, hoping that while the turmoil’s temperature reached enough heat to melt any meeting in the middle, the GOP cold fill the Supreme Court with activist Judges, Christian Conservative Federal Judges, and for the hell of it destroy the lives of the LGBTQ community and take back ownership of the Chattel known a female reproductive parts.

Putin, Trump, and McConnell all, NOT playing by the rules understood that most of the Democrats and the Liberals, and the Progressives, would still cling to the melancholy manner of abiding by the Constitution. Let them lament on the good old days these three lawless leaders would laugh with glee: let them pretend we care, so they can waste time trying to provide fair, and equal and justice, while the three of us, destroy the very foundation upon which the rest of the country assumes will provide the truth. One more day, even more, chaos, and somehow the bad guys keep winning!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Coven of Talking Heads

WTF! Roseanne Barr Tweeted Racist, Ignorant, Crazy, remarks. This was not the first time her bigotry shone through, and this will not be the last. HONESTLY, MSNBC, how many Talking Heads do you need to hire to let the rest of non-Trump America understand that hatred can be omitted by the very wealthy, the very famous and most infamous of people. So what, anyone who IS not a RACIST understands that Roseanne Barr is an idiot, end of story! And speaking of stories MSNBC, how about those infants were torn away from their brown skinned parents…or those black people just living black and being abused in too many ways to mention…and those Americans living in Hawaii whose home are devastated by lava (I know most Trump people think Hawaii is a part of Kenya), and what those Puerto Ricans whose lives have been lost and not accounted for…You want to talk Racism, MSNBC, then talk about real people and the dishonest bigots in the Trump Administration who give one less shit about People of Color. ENOUGH, already, Roseanne Barr is a moron, end of story. WTF lets talk about real people who don’t have enough popularity for you to convene a coven of Talking Heads!


Ivanka gets trademarks from China, as her daddy promises to forget that a major corporation sponsored by the Chinese Government, illegally bought and traded with two countries, Iran and North Korea, both of which were on a US Embargo of no trade. But, there is nothing to see here so just take your jealous eyes and look away. Suddenly after at least 40 attempts to get his security questionnaire correct, always adding one or two more loans, three or for IOU’s or seven or eight, oh yeah I did business with, Jared Kushner finally gets his Top Security Clearance, as if prior to all of this nonsense, he hadn’t already been told by his father-in-law, any top secret necessary to know to expand the family business. Many Trump appointees still have no security clearance, due to illegal or unusual business or personal activities from the past, but as Commander-In-Chief there was no question that Trump immediately received his. Yet no one has seen his tax returns, no one has seen his Trump Corporation business dealing, and no one maybe with the exception of Michael Cohen, Donnie Junior and Ivanka have the slightest idea with whom the Trump Come Family owes money to, or has business with. 

Wanting nothing more but Christian Nationalism as the real politics of this country, every Evangelical has gone out of his or her way to insist that no matter his past, Trump has been forgiven by Jesus, and is the anointed one. Give these Christian Nationalists dominance on the Supreme Court, Far Right-leaning Judges who use the New Testament as the true law, abolish abortion and criminalize homosexuality, permit slavery to become a flourishing business, and as far as these Pay to Pray hypocrites are concerned to let Trump be the fourth member of the Trinity, call it the Trump-inity! Morals and values are just a waste of time when the true calling is AUTHORITARIANISM AND HATE!

If you are a lady and have a bun in the oven, then you are a symbol of everything that Jesus has taught. Let that baby live and grow inside you, you are just the carrier it is the seed that IS the priority. Once that baby takes it first breath outside of your body, then all bets are off, because the same people who insist they own your body while you are pregnant, could give one big shit about how that child eats, breathes, lives, learns, and grows. The government’s business is to make sure you do not abort the baby, but you are a lazy son of a bitch if you expect that SAME government to help support the child. And oh, by the way, if the kid ain’t a true color of white, Jesus’s choice of color, your child is nothing but a political talking point. 

This IS America, from an empty wanna be mentally ill Roseann Barr to a narcissistic pathological liar sitting in the White House, to the treasonous Republican leadership and selfish American Oligarchs who don’t desire democracy, but prefer a dictatorship. Lets finally face the truth, not pretend there are two sides as this is not an argument, and call out, LOUD and LONG, cancer which has plagued this nation and continues to spread! RESIST!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Donnie is feeling the heat once more, aside from his tirade of lying Tweets, he has asked Kim Jong-un to go steady…again. These two love birds each more needy than the next and each wanting more of the limelight than there is limelight to shine. Donnie has been getting a bad rap, along with his I love Jesus, and he doesn’t love you Republicans who believe that not a concentration camp a concentration camp makes separating children from their parents a blessed event. Plus, Donnie is a little bit afraid that his SpyGate gimmick is not working, even in the homes where some first cousins are engaged to one another.

So to fool the foolish, which seems to be at least 45% of Americans who are missing some chromosomes, Donnie needs to make headlines pretending he gives a shit about peace on the Korean Peninsula, and is more concerned about a Nobel Peace Prize and of course a chance to deflect the real crimes, which the Cable Media sometimes remembers to report. And oh yeah, for good measure to think that Trump is a tough cookie, he is pretending to place some kind of sanctions on China…of course not anything that Princess Ivanka produces in that country using slave labor…but almost anything else, which may or may not fuck the economy of this nation.

Here we go again folks, all of the Talking Heads ready to explode with their OPINIONS and EXPERTISE as if any of them HAVE ANY idea of how Trump reacts.

god bless

Tuesday, May 29, 2018, in the land once known as America, but with each passing day a country becoming more and more desolate, divided and doomed to have never learned ANY lesson from not only world history, but its own 241 years of Independence!
"God Bless America" is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin a nice Jewish young man, an immigrant during World War I in 1918 and revised by him in the run-up to World War II in 1938. The later version has notably been recorded by Kate Smith, becoming her signature song. “I’d like to write a great peace song,” Irving Berlin told a journalist in 1938, “but it’s hard to do because you have trouble dramatizing peace.”

The song wasn’t without its critics. Certain Democrats called the song jingoistic, questioning why God should bless America and no other country, and what about separation of church and state? Others griped about Berlin’s pedigree. As a Russian Jew who immigrated to the U.S. in 1893, why should he speak for America? A prominent pastor in New York, Edgar Franklin Romig, grabbed headlines by calling the song a “specious substitute for religion.”

There is an introduction to the song, which often times is overlooked, or even ignored. For some it just seemed too ornamental and overtly dramatic, for others, it seemed just a waste of time, and why not immediately just get with the red, white and blue business of a song. And for many at the time, there was fear that God Bless America might overtake Star Bangled Banner and become the true national anthem for this country.

”While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, 
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free, 
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, 
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer. " 

I remember listening to Kate Smith sing this song, looking at my Grandma Braff’s sisters and cousins, all immigrants as they placed their hands over their heart, wiped a tear from their eyes. My Grandmother would wait until the entire song was finished, especially the symphonic crescendo at the end of the song, and first wiping away any tears and God forbid any drippy  ruby red lipstick from her lips, and remind all of us, that freedom was the thing about this song, not god blessing us, or praying…no, praying was something you did in shul…but freedom, without that… my Grandma Braff would insist as she pointed her very soggy handkerchief to the audience gathered…there is no god, no country, and no allegiance… Her people left Romania and generations of her relatives found fair, until the one day, the fairness became just fo some and not for everyone. It is Tuesday, May 29, 2018, the day after Memorial Day, and I decided to play my I-Tunes recording of Kate Smith singing, Irving Berlin’s ode to peace, “God Bless America,” and I cried because I am no longer certain how much freedom this country can offer! 

Monday, May 28, 2018

more memories

This year’s Memorial Day has so far filled us with memories of a nation whose Commander-In-Chief has defined a difference between good Nazi’s and bad Nazi’s and has never been directly told neither kind of Nazi is good. We have built Concentration Camps in honor of this Memorial Day, but like those built throughout Europe during the reign of Hitler, the Government Civil Servants pretend they either do not exist, nor do they truly believe they are doing anything that is against the law, we had sampling of that when Secretary of DHS Kirstjen Nielson, responded to Senator Kamala Harris’s question of where are the missing children removed from their parents, and why are you separating families from one another…Secretary Nielson’s response was a simple rote recall, one that sounded similar to “we are just following orders.”

This year’s Memorial Day, has so far showcased, along with the red and white stripes, blue background showcasing 50 stars, something that the self anointed real patriots of America, seem to be flying, the flag with the Southern Cross the battle flag of General Robert E. Lee, the emblem of an enemy nation whose intent was to overthrow the United States of America and rename this land the Confederate States and in some places even the Southern Cross is to Americanized and that is being replaced with the flag of the Third Reich.  You can fly a flag of nations whose intent was the overthrow of a democratic government, but this year for Memorial Day, any form of free speech, from taking a knee to just deciding that the flag does not an American make, you are  either politely asked to lover the country or leave it, or perhaps, instructed by the  guy hacked into office, the traitor, the collaborator, Trump, that you will be removed from this nation.

This year’s Memorial Day is filled with misinformed individuals, who finally a hero, who shares the same miserable thoughts of hate and racism as they always have. The misinformed, or low information or just plane stupid individuals have created a cult leader who pretends his bravado is bravery, his lies are lessons to be learned, and his emptiness a good thing. On this year’s Memorial Day, while free thought, fair thought is still permitted, I do want to honor those who have given their life for my freedom. But this year, if WE all want to push aside the facade of a just a Hall Mark Card holiday and pursue its real meaning, we must RESIST, the current climate of dumb, dangerous, and soon to be doomsday!

Memorial Day 2018

We can decorate ourselves with all of the red, white and blue bunting we desire…we can memorialize all of the lives lost throughout the history of this nation defending the tenants of democracy…we can eat apple pie, paint our picket fences white, watch a baseball game, and call our mothers to wish them well…we can do all of that, and pretend that as we celebrate Memorial Day 2018, a tyrant with sinister intentions, illegally hacked into office, buying snd selling the American life to any dictator, mafioso, oligarch, or authoritarian leader, is just a blimp on the face of a weekend in which we all should just salute the flag, and sing the national anthem.  We can look the other way as children are torn from their parents, blaming the parents because they wanted a better life for their kids, blaming the Dems because they want some justice and equality for immigrants, blaming those damn liberals for thinking Jesus is a democrat. We can pretend that NOW standing still as a black person, trying to purchase goods as a black person, or just being a black person and calling the COPS is not a racial thingie, but more of a get out of my personal space kind of thingie. 

We can sing God Bless America but dare we use the freedom of free speech to take a knee or demand justice or equality, we suddenly forget about the Constitution, and demand that if you don’t love this country then leave it. We can watch fireworks spread across the skies, in shades of blues and red and whites, stars bursting in air, and still think that those folk who wave the Confederate Flag are truer Americans than those who beg for the stars and stripes to keep ALL of us equal and free. We can once again celebrate a holiday thinking its the American way of life, the proper thing to do, and forget that kids in Flint Michigan are dying of lead poisoning, and that school aged kids are dying in their classrooms.

We can let it be called a witch hunt, a spy gate, a bunch of unhappy Clinton supporters, but we must NEVER succumb to the truth, that Donald Trump and his army of anarchists and Republican enablers, have done EVERYTHING possible to remove, and rid this nation of the true sense of honoring those who served as Troops and volunteers to keep America a place where EVERYONE can find their pursuit of happiness and all men and women are equal. Don’t look away even on a special day like Memorial Day, because the enemy is sitting with his and her barrels loaded ready to kill the next efforts to keep America free!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Look Around

If you dare to call yourself a Pro Life advocate, and you remain silent while thousands of children go unaccounted for, because OUR government under the guise of a hacked into office Trump, has decided that out of spite and pettiness and of course racism, to separate children, infants from their parents, to prove some kind of point, you are nothing but a sham and of course a hypocrite of proportions never witnessed until the Germans, set up Concentration  Camps for the sole purpose of terrorizing and tormenting a demographic they hated.

If you dare to call yourself an Evangelical Christian and support anything Trump, but turn a non Christian eye to the intentional disruption of a supportive life for children, because they happen to be brown skinned, then you need to rot run hell for eternity and beyond.

If you dare to call yourself an American and somehow believe that abandoning children as if they were nothing but useless lifeforms with the audacity to seek asylum in a once democratic and loving nation, then you might as well be on the sawed payroll as the Republicans who are puppets for Putin. 

If you ARE NOT the least concerned that this nation has turned into nothing more then a fetish for men like Trump to pretend they are leaders, void of values and morals, then hopefully one day you will know how terrible and horrific it would be for you to have your children torn away from you and somehow made to disappear into some darkness and never be found. How dare you not be concerned with the reckless, ruinous, and heinous policy of the Department of Homeland Security to remove children from their parents, and somehow feel NO responsibility for their well being, let alone their location. What have we become when the common man could care less about his brother or sister. 

If you dare to say you are human and are NOT outraged at the treatment demonstrated toward the immigrants coming into this nation, then you deserve all of the consequences coming your way because Trump is sitting in the White House. Its Memorial Day weekend, do not tell me that the men and women who died to preserve OUR freedom died so Trump and his insecure Racist, Bigoted , Insecure Nazi’s could or would assume power. Look around , and don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the concentration camps this nation has established!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

memorialize what

Donald Trump said at a Naval Academy commencement address Friday that “our ancestors tamed a continent,” adding that “we are not going to apologize for America.”
"Together there is nothing Americans can't do, absolutely nothing," Trump told 2018 graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy. “In recent years, and even decades, too many people have forgotten that truth. They've forgotten that our ancestors trounced an empire, tamed a continent, and triumphed over the worst evils in history."
He added: "America is the greatest fighting force for peace, justice and freedom in the history of the world. We have become a lot stronger lately. We are not going to apologize for America. We are going to stand up for America.” (Newsweek)

The Indigenous People of America, now live on Tribal land, still under the fear of Eminent Domain claims by the brave US government, having little say in anything except perhaps how to run a casino, and perhaps receive some money from the pipelines of oil running through their sacred burial sites. Immigrant families seeking asylum, whether legally or not are received at our southern boarder, the parents arrested and their children torn from them taken away to camps sometimes 1000 miles away, something similar to the Concentration camps used by the Germans to disrupt the lives of families and provide fear in the hearts of the innocent children. Dreamers, are no longer welcome on this continent, at least the part calling itself the United States of America, because, Trump needs a scapegoat, his followers, all inadequate, insecure and angry at their own miscalculations life, believe doing that will make America great again. Now just driving as a black person is not longer a danger, but walking, standing, waiting in line or even entering your own home while being black is a bad thing, and some kind of thing in which the police must be called, to ease the fear of senile, stupid, racists, who love to use the line I feared for my life. Some politicians of the Republican persuasion have also deemed the LGBTQ community not worthy of purchasing a house, adopting children, and of course any kind of safety net while working a job while being a homosexual.

“Love it or Leave it”, a popular phrase begun by Joe McCarthy to rid the US of free thinkers who had to be Communists, then used in full force by the Southern Bigots and Eastern Racists toward anyone who disagreed with a politically inspired and politically corrupt war, the Viet Nam War, who dared question the lack of wisdom by the government for this continuous aggression in South East Asia, is back again. This time of course, it is used against the audacity of mostly black football players who have decided that the words of the National Anthem  are meaningless when the lyrics have nothing to do with black lives mattering. It was cool for Tim Tebow to take a knee against abortion, but that was Jesus standing behind him, and everyone knows that Jesus wrote the National Anthem, so taking a knee was the Christian thing to do.

And then there are those nasty kids from parkland, the ones who actually had the audacity to call out the NRA, the politicians receiving bribes from the NRA, and the group of anarchists all ready to fight the government of the US, because they don’t like when via the democratic process their own kind don’t win elections. Oh, yeah you have to wonder how much men like Putin, nations like China and North Korea really believe America has become stronger. This is Memorial Day Weekend. You rally have to wonder in the year 2018, what are we really memorializing? Trump is still in the White House, his Republican enablers still the majority party and his Republican donors still self serving Christian Supremacists with disregard for democracy but great read for greed, gluttony and anarchy! 

Friday, May 25, 2018


"Fanfare for the Common Man" was certainly Aaron Copland's best known concert opener. He wrote it in response to a solicitation from Eugene Goosens for a musical tribute honoring those engaged in World War II. Goosens, conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, originally had in mind a fanfare "... for Soldiers, or for Airmen or Sailors" and planned to open his 1942 concert season with it.
Aaron Copland later wrote, "The challenge was to compose a traditional fanfare, direct and powerful, yet with a contemporary sound." To the ultimate delight of audiences Copland managed to weave musical complexity with popular style. He worked slowly and deliberately, however, and the piece was not ready until a full month after the proposed premier. 

The Narrative for the Common Man is something the Republicans successfully provide and are generously well compensated for, by a wealthy class of donors who UNDERSTAND clearly and precisely how to keep the COMMON MAN, anything but enlightened. The Republican think tank, those who initiate the innuendo, the interesting twists on facts, the intertwining of what a good religious, American, conservative should be, play some key chords in their Narrative which include discovering an enemy, defining God, Apple Pie and Motherhood, and repeating the message that OTHERS walk among us. The Narrative for the Common Man, is played in a simple melody, almost like a children’s song, where the lyrics are essentially repeated over and over again. The Narrative for the Common Man, has been a staple fo such illuminates as Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Juan Peron, Jim Jones, Jerry Falwell, and now Donald Trump. The Narrative for the Common Man is purposeful method in downgrading the intelligence factor of humans on the board of stupid, riding on the cusp of racist, and liven large in the realm of paranoia, that their chance in life to succeed NEVER depends on their own abilities, but the idea that the OTHER may steal the opportunity of success from them. This Narrative for the Common Man has been a useful tool for the Republican Party stemming back to the days of Segregation, Joseph McCarthy, the Viet Nam War, a Kenyan named Barack Obama, and mot recently Hillary’s emails and Benghazi. The Narrative for the Common is a virus which eats away at the conscience of Liberals, Progressives, and those Americans who seek equality…at the same time the Narrative for the Common Man is a deadly virus multiplying quickly in the souls of those who believe you must pay to pray to God, you must discard all other Amendments to the Constitution except the 2nd, and especially deadly to those who either much around in white robes, swaztika’s, or splattered with the feces of anything of the Confederate States of America.

As usual, like the lemmings they had been during the 2016 election the news media are, the leaders in permitting the Republicans to set the Narrative for the Common Man. it was all about Hillary, even though the only facts were fiction and forwarded by the Republican Spin Machine, then it became what murders of the innocent by the NRA, and the debates as to whether guns kill or just certain people kill, this was followed by permitting all kinds of lies and denials, then redials and new lies to float as if Trump and his ilk never colluded with the Russians…and north media has permitted Trump to decide who is a real Patriot, regarding the Flag and the National Anthem. How can there be a debate when Free Speech is still permitted in this nation, yet, somehow Trump and his crime family of Republicans have done the old smoke and mirrors, took the lead in stating who is a Patriot and who IS NOT, and the media has lavished themselves with meager, meaningless, harangues on a once again non-debatable topic. The Narrative for the Common Man, created once again by the people who have nothing in common with the common man!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Tut tut phey

May 18, 2018 ten innocent lives murdered, by a kid with a gun in the state of Texas, and the Governor, looking all wholesome, yet haggard, wearing his polo shirt with his name Greg Abbott engraved upon the pocket, just to make sure we knew exactly who the guy bull shitting us really was, said that “he'll host a series of discussions at the Capitol this week on issues like arming teachers, school safety measures, mental health and bullying.” All day during that rampage where the 2nd Amendment was enjoyed by two Americans, all we witnessed on television were red banners flashing that Breaking News was happening, we speculated, suggested and of course debated and DEBATED, how this could happen once again. But we were promised by Governor Greg Abbott, THIS time the shit that hit the fan would not easily be wiped away. I remember, on a quiet rainy fall afternoon, my Grandma Braff sitting at the card table playing solitaire, the house was that Pittsburgh rainy day gloomy grey, the only noise we could hear was the dripping of the hard rain drops on our rotted gutter, and suddenly Grandma Braff, apparently bored with her game of cards, saying, “Nu, your mother said she would be home soon and we could do something!” "I don’t want to call her a liar, but WHEN?”

During the WWII the United States decided that Internment Camps were a very generous American way of protecting Japanese Americans from and violence of discrimination that might come their way, because after all we were at war with Japan. These camps of course were not like the inhuman and non-tolerable Concentration Camps used by the German, because of the main fact, that it was us the Americans detaining people, and our hearts were in the right place, not dwelling in some dark deceitful dank Nazi oriented environment. Currently in the year 2018, in a place called Trump Land, we now have decided that the American way to handle our perceived enemies is to teach them a lesson and separate husband from wife, children from parents, sending some to prisons, and others to a much nice place called tents cities, vacant warehouses, or far away army bases too costly to keep updated for our Troops. Often times my Grandma Braff, wold visit and the few times when she arrived her red lipstick was not as shiny and thick as usual. She would first apologize then stand in front of the mirror in hanging in the hall closet, remove her lipstick from her “pocket book”, and as she applied the fire engine red gloss to her lips would mutter, “I don’t understand Rose Schwartz, she says that her daughter can visit her, but not her son-in-law or the older grandson, yet Rose has the nerve to tell me she IS the best grandmother in the world!”

It is a gloomy overcast day in LA, a safe city in the time of Trump. Now there will not be a Korean summit, as if there ever was intended to be one. Now once again some secret agent’s name will be made public as was the case with Valerie Plame during the Bush Administration. Now we find that after all of his amnesia Jared Kushner will receive a top level super-duper security clearance. In Iowa a six week old fetus has rights, and its mother could go to jail. Nothing changes for the better, it just seems that the same old shit changes names or odor, and falls in the cesspool which has become America. My Grandma Braff, would use the phrase “Tut-Tut, PHEY, and tell us, obey the law, until the law does not obey you. I know this works because, all of you are here with me. Had I obeyed the law, I would not be your Grandma Braff, but some other precious grandchildren’s Grandma Ofstrosky! I will resist, because my freedom depends upon it!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

apple pie

Once again the Republican Party has demonstrated a stroke of genius. With the announcement by the NFL owners that, taking a knee will no longer be tolerated, and the Flag and the Anthem are to be respected no matter what your personal beliefs, or you will be fined, the Capitalistic NFL owners have cowered to the demands of a man sitting in the Oval Office who is and has been bought and owned by Vladimir Putin. Once again the republican party gets to define words like Patriotism,/Americanism/ Valor/and Honor…As Nixon and the Republicans did during Nixon’s reign of terror, the GOP has made life in America black or white, right or wrong. You either love this country or you don’t. You love this country and will stand for the Flag and the Anthem or you are a traitor…. When they burned the Flag or protested the war in Viet Nam, those hooligans were made to be enemies of the state, all the while, the STATE was waging a war based on the politics of the current guy in Oval Office. We hated the hippies, the degenerates who protested our ed, white and blue, while all along supporting a Flag which was used as nothing but a false idol for democracy.

Here we go again…forget collusion with the Russians…forget bribery…forget lie upon lie…forget hacking into our elections…now all you have to remember is that Trump was one hard ass AMERICAN who demanded we honor the Troops, by standing for the Anthem and the Flag…Oh yeah, and when will this entire anti-free speech action take place, in the Fall, right before the midterm elections, and too many Americans will fall prey thinking that if they vote Dems, then Motherhood, Apple Pie and and White Picket Fences will die…but if they vote Republican then all will be well because the Flag will remain a symbol of freedom…I am a resistor and will resist because my life and the lives of the next generation depend upon it!

I am

I sit in my apartment within the free city of Los Angeles, among the homeless, amidst those who must travel miles on public transit communicating in the city for their employment, but who cannot afford the rents, nor the price of property. We have learned to ignore the plastic bag carriers, the stolen grocery cart pushers, we either fear we ill be asked for money for something as simple as food, or we might be reminded that in fact in the free cit of Los Angeles, there are the HAVES and the HAVE NOT’S. Above the buildings we witness the PG-14 rated porn, billboards of the youngest Kardashian children, both lounging next to one another with just enough skin to entice the most avid of horny men, and a reminder for the young female that plastic surgery should be required by law. Before I exit my humble abode, surrounded by the grit and clamor of newly built or being built mega-mansions, I provide myself with just enough news of the day to understand if in fact this IS the day Trump declared Martial Law, if this IS the day the GOP just stopped COMPLETELY from including any opposition party in the Chambers of Congress, or if this IS the day Robert Mueller ha been placed in house arrest. I no longer can waste my time as well paid, know nothings, pampered and powdered pretend to explain the world around of as if there was not a ticking time bomb, the very next second, ready to EXPLODE!

The internet is still neutral and its content is still riddled with lies, but we have been assured that the powers that be, will soon remove the ineffectual but very affective fake news. So I catch up on some tidbits of the day, which may help me stay safe; for how long, well that depends on how many more Republicans have decided that he Constitution is less beneficial to their Corporate masters, then their gerrymandered voters. I still carry no assault weapon, because I realize the well armed militias are not for those of us who crave freedom, but rather are tended to be used by racists, nationalists, and fascists, who desire no government or at least the kind that caters to slave owners, anti-Semites homophobes , and misogynists. The call for revolution as I remember, (but now a days history is considered Devil Worship) began when Mitch McConnell and John Boehner explained to their submissive , bought and paid for GOP Congressmen and Congresswomen, that no matter how great or good legislation originated by President Obama may be, anyone who wants to remain on the Republican puppet list will oppose it. This Civil war began, not as loud as the firing of a musket at Fort Sumpter, but still carried the weight of redefining the Constitution and democracy of the United States.

I pretend that day-to-day life has not changed, but then I live in the free city of Los Angeles, am not a black person who risks his/her life just being black, I speak English very clearly, only eat take out Mexican food, am old enough to just be considered a burden to Paul Ryan and not an animal. I still rant and rave regarding equality, online, and understand that one day soon, the Direct of Homeland Security who had no idea the Russians hacked the last election, may be bothered enough to real an obscure blog like mine and declare ME a threat. I have a subscription to the Washington Post, knowing full well that either The Trump Troopers will burn that building down and place or just demand more and more payback from Amazon to shut it down, so I also back up my almost factual current events from the New York Times. I am contemplating buying a gas mask, because I am sure they are still affordable, but with Scott Pruitt and his clandestine meetings to promote poison hidden from he free press, you never when you will inhale your first bit of nerve gas.  it is Wednesday, May 23, 2018, and so far the city of Los Angels is free, which is much more to say then the rest of the country! I am Gerry Buncher, and will RESIST as if my life depends upon it!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


My Grandma Braff, had little time for putz’s, the kind of people who yelled and screamed at others, who determined by no other standard except their own selfish will, they were somehow better, and those people who lingered behind a lavish facade only to be found rotting from within, and living in hell. Grandma Braff came to this country, and although her thought to be husband was arranged while she fled from Romania, her real life man was someone she fell in love with once she moved to Youngstown Ohio, and he was the boy living two floor up. Grandma Braff never left her home without some red rouge on her cheeks and a very heavy duty painted on lipstick. You should look pretty to others she would remind her grand kids, while we played gin rummy, that is to at least get them to notice you, but to remember who you are takes more than shouting and screaming, or bragging and boasting. Weakness, Grandma Braff would slowly state, first taking her little finger and wiping away any extra lipstick, finding her tissue to blot it away, is easy to discover about others, it happens when you scream back at them and suddenly instead of a monster, they find a blanket and hide underneath it shouting go away, you scare me. People who are putz’s never know just how weak they are until you mention all they have done that is useless in this world. Putz’s, Grandma Braff would add as she also shouted “GIN” (she never let her grandkids just win at cards), will always fight the hardest to become the victim. never let them get their way.

The PUTZ in White House ain’t winning, he is smart enough to understand that truth is like acid to his body, and is also cunning enough to first lock the door of the movie theater filled with supposed enemies living in his paranoid world, and then as he wanders out to ride in his limo, shouts fire. The PUTZ in the White House is also so sickly narcissistic, that he must mention all the misdeeds and criminal acts he has committed, by playing the game opposite world. He is now accusing the Obama Administration of spying on the Trump Campaign, knowing very well that during the Clinton campaign, Trump and his fellow anarchists did indeed pay for and spy on anyone Hillary. Using the same techniques, that he always had done before previously becoming Commander-In-Chief, Trump is letting us know the kind of behavior he personally committed. Whether it was calling someone lying or cheating, or lazy  or any derogatory or criminal adjective,Trump was so proud of his own collapse of morality, he portrayed others actions, just so we knew how sick a man Trump really was.

And now, once again the Media is repeating the same routine which worked so well for Trump, permitting the lies, never founded on anything but Tweets to suddenly dominate the conversation, the Talking Heads, talk about. There was no spying on Trump just because he was Trump…BUT because he was just Trump, he was surrounded by anti American pitfalls who previously had nasty intentions and ideals of anarchy against the democratic process of this nation. The FBI and president Obama were doing due diligence in trying to stop a Russian invasion of the United States, not via an atomic war, but via a very smart and savvy solution by Putin to infiltrate the dumbest of the dumb, which in this case was Trump. I have said it before, and it is worth repeating, BE AFRAID, BE AWARE America, the PUTZ is sly, a con man, surrounded by snake oil salespeople, and he understands that the Media just loves shiny objects, and being a victim under the guise that democracy is was being attacked is as shiny as it gets!

Monday, May 21, 2018


BE AWARE, AND BE AFRAID…Once again the people of this nation who are begging for truth, begging for honesty and begging for just the fact, no fiction, no fake flakes of phony…are being BENGHAZI-ED…again. Repeating a lie, repeating that lie, with great earnest and repeating it as a sinister scandal, deflecting, and dancing around what is real…once again without merit, but with momentous mayhem, the guilty GOP is playing a round of their successful mind games…It always seems too difficult for honest people to believe that treason and anarchy could reach the shores of this nation, wanting to think that our Constitution is respected and reflected by the behavior of ALL those who seek to become politicians, we immediately fall prey to the innuendo and trap setting, that SOMEONE must be a traitor.

Talk loud, talk fast, talk a lot. Never let anyone interrupt your line of deceitful discourse, and repeat and repeat the intended intrusion into truth and suddenly it becomes a feckless fact and you have succeeded at BENGHAZI-ING those around you. We learned that the closer we tried to get to the truth about BENGHAZI, the more committees loomed on the horizon to disprove the truth. We witnessed con men and women covering up the facts with partial statements of honesty flavored with hyperbole, and of course hypocrisy. Hours and hours of the same tainted questions were asked, not for those who were guilty to be found the fraud, but to tire out the innocent, the American who wanted to and still wants to believe that this nation IS a land of laws.

We must be so close to at least a dozen details, regarding Donald Trump and his families disregard for our democracy. We must be inches away from the graft, the greed, the money laundering, the lewd behaviors and the lack of any respect for the law or the people of this nation. We saw all of this play out with Hillary and the BENGHAZI committee, pushing harder and harder, hoping to keep her locked up in committee sessions, so Trump could fly under the radar and defeat a much better opponent!The Talking Heads are falling for this folly. The reporters love a good science fiction tale, so they can whisper about their anonymous leakers, preening on TV, that there just might be something there, so stay tuned. All of these so called, supposed action lead by a man who has, on record lied at least 3,500 times. All of these accusations led by men and women who in the same sentence change their story at least three times. But Trump/McConnell/and Putin are good, they all know most Americans are too gullible when it comes to saving democracy, and as was demonstrated via BENGHAZI, the Republicans, ALSO know too well, how to pull the rug from under honest feet, how to blow smoke in front of honest eyes, and how to confuse your mind with kool-aid filled with nothing but venom! BE AWARE, AND BE AFRAID!  

Sunday, May 20, 2018

thoughts and prayers delayed

Saved by the St George’s bells ringing from the chapel of Windsor Castle, all of the American politicians and paid for puppets of both Putin and the NRA had a break from lying about actually caring for the lives lost by the students and faculty from the high school in Santa Fe Texas. Thoughts and prayers can be a tiresome, tedious time taker, when almost every other week the words are spoken replacing any actual action to stop the murder of innocents by guns, even when the once Good Guy with a gun turns bad. The Evangelicals had a bit of a respite from pretending that Jesus knows best and Jesus would never condone mass shooting, unless it truly was the unholy who died, or least the Devil himself who purchased the gun and shot the deadly bullet. But many an Evangelical did have other thoughts and prayers to share on Saturday, May 19, because of all unimaginable circumstances to happen, in the land from which many believed their ancestry originated; Prince Harry had the audacity to wed a multi-racial woman, and any good Evangelical who had to put up with Obama knows that even if one parent is white, the child is black. And on top of all that some black dude named Bishop Michael Curry was called upon to participate in the Royal Wedding Service. Extra protection was provided to keep the nasty white woman from calling the police worried that too many black folk were congregating at Windsor Castle.

No red banners waved wildly on cable TV on Saturday, only joyous gossip of dresses and suits, hats and jewelry were spoken of…the only tragedy were the women who once again, became objects of disdain, and did n to wear the most fashionable of formal ware. The families of the kids and faculty who died in Texas due to a self proclaimed lover of “good Nazi” values had to fend for themselves. Glitz and glamour always trump guts, gore and the greed of politicians who receive blood money to let innocents die.

But we are back to the day after the day after, and it is time once again for Talking Heads to explode on TV, shaking their bubble like heads sideways trying to figure out the motives, the meaning, the why’s and how’s this happened. From the truly stupid we are offered explanations, of less doors in school buildings, promise more attention to mental illness, insistence that each school should have a SWAT Team assigned, and of course more thoughts and prayers, because a belief in God is like a cup of chicken soup, no matter how bad the death of the innocent. Saved by the beauty and majesty of a wedding, the thoughts and prayers were on hold, and the Royal wedding gave cover to those in this nation who never want to face the truth, instead rewrite fact into fiction. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

another day after

Another day after…you know the day after murder of innocents, and the day after thoughts and prayers and oh yeah promises of this time we will do something different  to stop this…whatever THIS is…another day after and we get to see the faces of the victims not only of the shooter, but of the NRA’s refusal to do anything but place profits before, well anything or anyone…another day after the politicians run away from the camera’s or insist that people with real concern would wait awhile for the griever to grieve before talking about guns and death, and killing and murder…another day after when the Talking Heads will explode with what shoulda’, coulda’, woulda’ been appropriate…another day after we are scolded to not make any assumptions…

Another day after in a country which can send a satellite to the ends of the universe, invent machines that can help remove a brain tumor or a blood clot, and permit uncounted of millions from ever finding their way to the treasury, permitting all those dollars to relax in some off shore account….another day after, when someone else will die from a gun shot, but because they are of color who cares, if they are alone or less than a half dozen it was unfortunate, or if they were transgendered, of Gay, it was a sad mistake but didn’t they really ask for it….It is another day after, and of course the red banners of breaking news will appear, as some politicians worried about their next election will make some half assed effort to address the currents events of murder by gun…Oh yeah and another day after when the people who hold the 2nd amendment as a piece of the New Testament, as a holy writ from Jesus, will also give a shit about the rest of the Constitution.

Another day after in America…we still have a man in the White House robbing us blind, cohosting with the enemy, enabling his family business to rip of this nations tax dollars, and who will at the least lie about a dozen times today and at the most lie from morning to night…Another day after and the Republicans will be hidden, waiting for the marching orders from the NRA, afraid of the real truth, but stuck with the truth that each and everyone of them is simply a hypocritical coward. Another Day After in America!

Friday, May 18, 2018

another story

There he was standing in front of a crowd of reporters, microphones abundant, camera clicking, trying to capture this moment, he was of course dressed in his casual governors outfit, the kind that when viewed, states I am the common man like you, I feel your pain, I am Greg Abbot your Governor of Texas. Using phrases like “the fog of calamity” “shortly we will discuss,” “include the shareholders,” (suddenly death is a part of a corporation), and of course “we will bring in the social workers, and the best phrase, “we must deal with the mental health issues,” and ending with, “something like this will not happen again in the state of Texas!” There was chaos, there is now clamor and very shortly there will be nothing done and calm will break out again until of course there is chaos, AGAIN!

Governor Abbot said he also wants to speak to his state Legislature, we should have said I need to speak with the NRA. We will mourn the dead, worry for the injured, and because this is a red state with very strong ties to Trump, as it was the case with Florida, we will get some more tough talk from Trump, mostly how great and good the Governor has been in dealing with this, and then silence will ensue. We will have Talking Heads discuss how this IS and IS not a mental health issue. We will have so called experts describing how if the school had been better prepared, perhaps none of this would have taken place. But what we WILL NOT HAVE is any movement to address the fact that GUNS kill, people who use guns can kill, and the NRA is a corporation which sees profits way before people, and politicians as pawns and puppets.

Red banners will flash, more updates will appear, some true, some fabricated. Lives have been lost, love has been smothered, the illness of loving guns will still prosper, and more victims will succumb to this deadly disease, because, hey it's the 2nd Amendment, and no one but a Commie wants to mess with the Constitution…Hey wait I think a Commie named Putin has already done that…but that is another story!

same old song

Now it's the same old song
But with a different meaning since you been gone
It's the same, same old song
But with a different meaning (Since you been gone)
And it breaks me up to hear it
(Now it's the same old song) Can't bear to hear it
(With a different meaning since you been gone)
Oh, it hurts to hear it
It's the same old song
But with a different meaning since you been gone (It's the Same Old Song/by the Four Tops)

You ever notice, how it is NEVER too soon to offer, thoughts and prayers, to provide our love, toward the victims of mass shootings and their loved ones, remaining alive, to suffer the consequences of a once seemingly horrid action, but in the past decades, just a price to pay, in an environment where politicians get paid to play. It is the same old sold song, a red banner shouting BREAKING NEWS, reporters scrambling to be the first to try and explain what just happened, but too caught up in the urgency to be first, rather then wait and supply the facts. Talking Heads are rushed to the studio, or telephones’s. Catch a politician if you can who of course will shake his or head, make a mumbled comment, and tell us to be brave until we know more. Suddenly local correspondents are on the scene and each one will find a witness who can recount his or her version of what happened, or tell us that they cousin or neighbors brother was at the scene and this IS what he heard. Of course if the suspect is of a taker color, we instantly know it had to be a form of terrorism, if the suspect is white we have to wait to get all of the facts first. It’s the same old song, and the same old thoughts and prayers, and the same excuses fo being way too soon to discuss, the same old weapon a Gun or Guns used to murder innocents.

Sante Fe Texas, the newest location for murder. There will be shrugging of shoulders, a few shocked voices will remind us that THIS place is not like OTHER places, that THIS place was quiet peaceful, everyone knows everyone, who could have imagined. Of course, there will be Social Workers to assist the shocked, there will be every elected official around to speak to the public cause that is the kind of PR to help promote your government career. There will be sad music played, views of the school, soon photos of the alleged shooter, and the memorial to the victims. It will be the same old song…and absolutely NOTHING else will be sung. It seems the NRA owns all of the instruments, so no melody can be created without them, and any new words, must first be approved by the men and women who care less about people, but love themselves a lot of PROFIT. “Oh it hurts to hear it, but its the same old song.”

Thursday, May 17, 2018

what a life

“Today, we’re fighting back in court for every person’s individual rights and freedoms, which go to the heart of who we are as a country. This dangerous law decimates a woman’s right to control her life at the most basic level, including whether and when to become a parent. Enough is enough. Gov. Kim Reynolds has no right to impose her beliefs on Iowa women. We will not back down until every person has the freedom and opportunity to make the health care decisions that are best for them and their families.” Statement from Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America:
The Iowa Fetal Heartbeat Abortion Law The law, set to go into effect July 1, bans abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, generally about six weeks into a pregnancy—before some women know they’re pregnant. The “heartbeat” bill passed the Iowa House and Senate earlier this month and was signed by Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds soon after. 
Trump’s 2019 budget proposes to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) by more than $213 billion over the next ten years — nearly a 30 percent cut — through radically restructuring how benefits are delivered, cutting eligibility for at least 4 million people, and reducing benefits for many others.  (See Table 1.)[1]  The unemployed, the elderly, and low-income working families with children would bear the brunt of the cuts.  These proposals come on the heels of a tax law the President championed that will mainly benefit the wealthy and corporations and that’s expected to add $1.5 trillion to deficits over ten years.

In the State of Michigan, residents of Flint are still drinking poisoned water, and many who had done so before the republican Christian Legislature even pretend to be interested are dying a slow painful death. In Puerto Rico, many schools, homes and neighborhoods are still beyond recognition let alone appropriate and safe for living. Families who happen to be mostly of brown skin and speak Spanish are being torn apart either by parents being deported to Mexico, or Mom and Pop going to jail while the kids go to some of the best concentrations this country can offer.

Now, if you call yourself Pro Life, and all of the above seems like silly stuff as compared to what Jesus’s intent really has been and is for this country, you have no idea of sympathy, empathy or the true meaning of both the Constitution, and what being a true religious person should be. When you decide to play the role of God, you are nothing but the Devil. Lets get serious people…those in this nation who claim they know God, know shit when they behave the way this current breed of self anointed Christian mercenaries have tried to take over our democracy. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Sanctuary Cities

All pompous and acting pious with perhaps a little too much bleach blonde dye in his hair, and of course that white clown makeup he wears beneath his eyes, Trump held court today, sneering and scapegoating the brown people from Mexico and Central American countries, attesting that each and every individual seeking asylum in the US from those countries who dare use English as their first language…are gang members, rapists, and of course criminals. Speaking to his base of Republican enablers too afraid of truth, too scared to tell the Emperor he is wearing no clothes, and a bunch of white bully’s always on the offense, thinking no one will notice just what cowards they be; Trump has some hard words for Sanctuary Cities, especially in the state of California, which Trump abhors and insists is a failing piece of real estate in this nation. Trump is well aware that to deflect to undermine, to deny the rights of others is always a winning strategy for people who always fear the truth, that in fact are the losers.

The truth Mr Trump, IS that we do have Sanctuary Cities in this nation, but not the ones you love to bash and batter, and not populated by people of color, NO Donnie, there are three major Sanctuary Cities, populated mostly by white wealthy men a few women, and the foreign language they speak is not Spanish, but Russian. It seems if we use your definition of criminal acts by BAD people, as the purpose of Sanctuary Cities, then by all means we must list three: New York City, where your family has colluded with Russian oligarchs, your Trump Organization launders money to a t least a dozen off shore accounts, and a place where you entertain the most willing people to pay a bribe. Then of course there is Palm Beach, where of course you siphon money from the RNC, Lobbyists, Foreign Dignitaries, and of course the Evangelicals who must not only pay homage to you, but pay in cash. And last but not least Donnie, the third Sanctuary City is Washington DC, a place where you have a Cabinet full of frauds receiving kickbacks, graph, bribes, and your residence while pretending to tend to the business of this nation while preening and posing as a puppet for Putin.

If anything, aside from lying, conning, and conniving, you are a great deflector, and an ideal candidate for dictator, because you love to single out anyone who is not as mob oriented as yourself. You have residences in three cities in the US, and when you are playing golf, or watching FOX and Friends, eating fast food, or just farting all of your bull shit, those cities become Sanctuary Cities, for treasonists, anarchists, Oligarchs, and members of the Trump Crime Family as well as the robber barons of the Republican Party. There may be at 40% of the US population stupid as hell or racist as hell, but the rest of us know all about you and can’t wait till the law finally catches up with you!

another fraud

Funny thing about security leaks, and Trump and paybacks and the understanding by the Chinese Government of how easy and breezy it is to slip a half billion dollars into the slimy pockets of the orange man. Even funnier is a Chinese telephone company accused of selling technology to Iran and North Korea. The joke becomes quite humorous when you add in the fact that a theme park is being built outside the city of Jakarta Indonesia, with a themed golf course and hotel to be owned and titled by Trump, and that as with all Trump real estate efforts, there is a lack of capital to even begin building, so anything under the table is quite a suitable maneuver, quite the preferred form of business.

No matter, it has been proven that phone maker company ZTE has been banned from buying anything from the US, for fear that the products will be transformed into easy to use spy materials against the US and as bonus items for the economies of both Iran and North Korea, Trump is certain that by doing so, he will gain an invitation for the Nobel Peace Prize by appeasing China who will then push harder for North Korea to denuclearize its warheads. No matter Trump is breaking yet another law, The Emolument Clause which says “No Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” Even though Trump has sworn he has nothing to with his family’s business while sitting in the Oval Office, this new Theme park in Indonesia is just one more lie, from the lying jack ass trusted by 40% of Americans who believe cheating, collusion and and acting the criminal makes America great.

So one has to wonder how could this happen. Where is the oversight committee headed by the GOP, you know the one that shouted Benghazi/Her Email’s/ forever and ever, you know the Republicans that warned us how much of a criminal Hillary was and would be. Where are the Republicans demanding that this self-serving, self profiting stop! Whatever the voodoo,Trump has used on on behalf of Putin is certainly working well with the Republicans, who could give a fuck that the Chinese will now have a new tool to target the secrets of the US, while trump remains lost in his narcissistic mania counting his money at the cost of democracy for America! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

an embassy

It might be easy to suggest that out of love and respect for his Jewish daughter and Jewish son-in law, Donald Trump, without any real knowledge of the real consequences, good or bad, decided to move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But to even suggest that one would have wonder why in the hell has Trump never apologized or corrected his statement regarding good Nazi’s vs bad Nazi’s. Why in the hell hasn’t Trump admonished the many White Nationalists who attend each and every rally. Why in the hell hasn’t Trump called upon any and all Republicans to NOT vote for primary candidates who espouse anti-Semitism. If in fact Trump was just doing a favor for his Jewish daughter and son-in-law, regarding the US Embassy, then how come there are still so many KKK/Neo Nazi/and Nationalists holding court with Trump, and Trump accepting their participation in his administration.

Take a look at the majority of Americans who traveled to Israel to open the Jerusalem Embassy. Many of the non-politicians are Evangelicals who have delivered sermons regarding the taint that is Judaism. They have profoundly accused the Jewish religion of being a subversive cult whose only real goal in life is to sabotage the White Christians in America, and to overthrow the laws and guidance written in the New Testament. Then take a look at the cadre and caliber of Republican politicians who are ardent believers that that there should be no divide in this nation between Church and State, and that in fact the only Church to set laws is the Christian Evangelical sect. Take a look at how many members of the American entourage traveling to Jerusalem, if you look close enough the majority are not jewish but in fact lemmings for the pay to pray shyster snake oil conmen who have chastised all religions but their own.

It might be easy to suggest that Jared and Ivanka are the brains behind the move of embassy’s, but here is something to also suggest. Jared and Ivanka only make policy decisions if there is something in the bottom line from which they can benefit financially. John Bolton, wants to stir up just enough turmoil in the Middle East, so we can attempt to bomb the shit out of Iran and any other Muslim country we so desire. Putin, understands that moving the embassy right now, with all of the other hatred in throughout the globe, just makes the US weaker,, more vulnerable, and creates a giant divide between the US and its European allies. And the most important thing to suggest is the PENCE effect. Think of all of the Evangelicals who are now masturbating in their homes thinking that by recreating the capital of Israel in Jerusalem, we are just a few steps closer to the Rapture, and all of those pesky Jews who have not yet called upon Jesus to become their Lord and Savior, will soon be rid of…which means Jared will implode, and so will Ivanka, unless she decides that for her business bottom line it is better to reconvert to Christianity. Trump could have done his Jewish son-in-law and daughter a whole of favors, the US Embassy in Jerusalem, looks good for Kushner family when they go to shul, but there is a whole lot more behind this decision, then pleasing Jared! This entire situation, however, I must admit as an American, now establishes even one more pointed finger at the Jewish people of this nation, and will evoke even more scrutiny, something the German government did oh too well.