Friday, May 4, 2018


Assuming that those who believe coal can be clean, a lie told by the guy sitting in the Oval Office is not really a lie because the Commander-In-Chief’s duty is to freely speak…assuming that those who believe off shore accounts IS the American way, that slavery was a business and a form of Capitalism, which IS what makes America great…assuming that those who never disclosing your taxes, makes you more of a rugged individual, and perhaps not paying your fair share more of a Patriot…assuming all of that plus the fact that as long as you hate the Gay and a woman’s right to her reproductive system and her body is as evil as it gets, plus the fact that if Jesus would have carried an assault weapon, the Roman Empire would have imploded, knowing that if the Jews of Europe took out memberships to the NRA, the Holocaust would have been nothing but an imagined scenario…ASSUMING all of that, plus the idea that everyone in America has the same low IQ as the FOX and Friends viewers…AND OH YEAH, that HE is still considered America’s Mayor…the newest Trump Fascist team member Rudy Giuliani, seeking at least 15 more minutes of fame is trumpeting (yes a pun intended), the idea that history is a contorted cacophony of fiction, and whichever full feted lie flies to the top of the pan of snake oil, WILL be the lie of the day…HAS presented to America HIS version of “There’s a sucker born every day!” 

Add to that the fact that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul (I fire Catholic priest who are to Christ minded) Ryan, has sent worrisome memos to his Republican leadership that IF the Democrats take over control of the House, they might actually subpoena some of the anarchists (kind of sounds like anti Christ, doesn’t it) and get to the truth about all of the illicit and illegal action taken by Trump and his Communist cohorts! Mr Ryan more concerned about being a puppet than a politician, deems the truth of the matter, just a reckless matter of facts, which dumb people don’t need to handle.

Now, throw into all of that Republican bull shit, the fact that Mike Pence has made a visit to the state of Arizona to support a felon, Joe Arpaio for Senator, that Devin Nunes wants to begin investigating anyone too close to the truth regarding Russia, Trump and Collusion, the Republican controlled state legislature of Iowa is mandating the death sentence for women who seek an abortion after 6 weeks, and that Scott Pruitt, the ex Republican from Oklahoma, who is now the EPA director getting paid by CEO’s and Mega GOP donors to let pollution rise up and kill more of the population…and you have a nation very soon at the ready to suffocate on its own self serving vomit, and bile. Seriously. NO, SERIOUSLY, tell me again why, if you haven’t changed your political party from Republican to anything else, what the fuck are you waiting for….No, tell me even one BETTER…how do you live with yourself for not demanding all of these Republicans be jailed, fines, and fired from the jobs they are doing? You think your kids or grandkids won’t choke on rotten air, or puke their guts out from dirty water. You think the women in your life won’t become chattel?You think that Fascism is much cooler than Democracy? You think that freedom is only for those who are Evangelicals waving the Confederate Flag, wearing red hats inviting that a greater America does not include anyone of color? Amazing that somehow 40% of this nation are giving Rudy Giuliani a high five for defending the lies, the bull shit, the bogus of Donald Trump and his cadre of Republican anarchists!