BE AWARE, AND BE AFRAID…Once again the people of this nation who are begging for truth, begging for honesty and begging for just the fact, no fiction, no fake flakes of phony…are being BENGHAZI-ED…again. Repeating a lie, repeating that lie, with great earnest and repeating it as a sinister scandal, deflecting, and dancing around what is real…once again without merit, but with momentous mayhem, the guilty GOP is playing a round of their successful mind games…It always seems too difficult for honest people to believe that treason and anarchy could reach the shores of this nation, wanting to think that our Constitution is respected and reflected by the behavior of ALL those who seek to become politicians, we immediately fall prey to the innuendo and trap setting, that SOMEONE must be a traitor.
Talk loud, talk fast, talk a lot. Never let anyone interrupt your line of deceitful discourse, and repeat and repeat the intended intrusion into truth and suddenly it becomes a feckless fact and you have succeeded at BENGHAZI-ING those around you. We learned that the closer we tried to get to the truth about BENGHAZI, the more committees loomed on the horizon to disprove the truth. We witnessed con men and women covering up the facts with partial statements of honesty flavored with hyperbole, and of course hypocrisy. Hours and hours of the same tainted questions were asked, not for those who were guilty to be found the fraud, but to tire out the innocent, the American who wanted to and still wants to believe that this nation IS a land of laws.
We must be so close to at least a dozen details, regarding Donald Trump and his families disregard for our democracy. We must be inches away from the graft, the greed, the money laundering, the lewd behaviors and the lack of any respect for the law or the people of this nation. We saw all of this play out with Hillary and the BENGHAZI committee, pushing harder and harder, hoping to keep her locked up in committee sessions, so Trump could fly under the radar and defeat a much better opponent!The Talking Heads are falling for this folly. The reporters love a good science fiction tale, so they can whisper about their anonymous leakers, preening on TV, that there just might be something there, so stay tuned. All of these so called, supposed action lead by a man who has, on record lied at least 3,500 times. All of these accusations led by men and women who in the same sentence change their story at least three times. But Trump/McConnell/and Putin are good, they all know most Americans are too gullible when it comes to saving democracy, and as was demonstrated via BENGHAZI, the Republicans, ALSO know too well, how to pull the rug from under honest feet, how to blow smoke in front of honest eyes, and how to confuse your mind with kool-aid filled with nothing but venom! BE AWARE, AND BE AFRAID!