There he was standing in front of a crowd of reporters, microphones abundant, camera clicking, trying to capture this moment, he was of course dressed in his casual governors outfit, the kind that when viewed, states I am the common man like you, I feel your pain, I am Greg Abbot your Governor of Texas. Using phrases like “the fog of calamity” “shortly we will discuss,” “include the shareholders,” (suddenly death is a part of a corporation), and of course “we will bring in the social workers, and the best phrase, “we must deal with the mental health issues,” and ending with, “something like this will not happen again in the state of Texas!” There was chaos, there is now clamor and very shortly there will be nothing done and calm will break out again until of course there is chaos, AGAIN!
Governor Abbot said he also wants to speak to his state Legislature, we should have said I need to speak with the NRA. We will mourn the dead, worry for the injured, and because this is a red state with very strong ties to Trump, as it was the case with Florida, we will get some more tough talk from Trump, mostly how great and good the Governor has been in dealing with this, and then silence will ensue. We will have Talking Heads discuss how this IS and IS not a mental health issue. We will have so called experts describing how if the school had been better prepared, perhaps none of this would have taken place. But what we WILL NOT HAVE is any movement to address the fact that GUNS kill, people who use guns can kill, and the NRA is a corporation which sees profits way before people, and politicians as pawns and puppets.
Red banners will flash, more updates will appear, some true, some fabricated. Lives have been lost, love has been smothered, the illness of loving guns will still prosper, and more victims will succumb to this deadly disease, because, hey it's the 2nd Amendment, and no one but a Commie wants to mess with the Constitution…Hey wait I think a Commie named Putin has already done that…but that is another story!