When someone has a rash or even more simply, a mosquito bite, the first thing we are told, is, to not itch it, because even though the thought of scratching it feels like relief, the actual touching of the rash or the bite will only cause it to spread or perhaps get infected. Its difficult to ignore that damned red speck begging to be touched, but if we follow orders, and play by the rules of medicine, we just might stop all of the misery sooner than later and be healthier in the end. Play by the rules we are told, turn the other cheek we are reminded by some religious, even Michelle Obama explained to us when they go low, we go high. In the age of Trump all of those lessons of life, including the do not scratch the rash, seem nothing more than a waste of precious time, wasted by people with good intentions, on others who could give one rats ass as to reciprocating with the same good will. In other words, we have learned that anyone Trump will play foul, but immediately cry foul, when the good guys decide to play by the same cracked, crazy, converted, and unconscionable schemes and cons Trump and associates thrive upon.
Drum roll, entering stage right, is Rudy (Da’ Man) Giuliani, a has been of a politician, a wanna be star maker, a lousy loser with a filthy back story, trying to recreate history, one of course, without facts, lots of fiction and featured with the most phony and inept inventions of intent ever. Choosing the words with the most slime, selecting sentences riddled with poison, Mr Giuliani smiles that woodchuck, pompous like grin and pretends that anyone against Trumps villainous and illegal ways IS the enemy of the state. Rudy, still believing America is buying the Governments bull shit regarding 9/11 is trying his darnedest to help all Americans to better understand that if it were not for ALL the efforts by Trump keeping America safe and making America greater, this nation would be either a haystack of Hillary or a garbage pike of Obama, both ready at any time to burst into flames. Rudy is aghast at the fact that Robert Mueller wants to play by the rules, when the current rules seem to never apply to anything, anyone Trump.
And there we have it off course, once Rudy raises his illegitimate and untold concerns about what is right and what is wrong, the media, never fast learners, pick up on those senseless remarks and begin the Talking Head debate. How smart Rudy is for being so dumb…call out the good guy as bad, insist the bad guy is good…rules are for the common man, not the guy sitting in the Oval Office…cut the guy a break, let him do his job, all the while the job being done is one hell of a snake oil salesman con job…defer, redirect, and then beg the debate…maybe Trump is not antagonist, but the protagonist! Come on America, how much wood, would a woodchuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood? How many more moments of tyranny, or anarchy, does a democratic government, receive before the foundations wither away and die. Just don’t scratch the rash or that fucking mosquito bite, seriously just stop!