We can decorate ourselves with all of the red, white and blue bunting we desire…we can memorialize all of the lives lost throughout the history of this nation defending the tenants of democracy…we can eat apple pie, paint our picket fences white, watch a baseball game, and call our mothers to wish them well…we can do all of that, and pretend that as we celebrate Memorial Day 2018, a tyrant with sinister intentions, illegally hacked into office, buying snd selling the American life to any dictator, mafioso, oligarch, or authoritarian leader, is just a blimp on the face of a weekend in which we all should just salute the flag, and sing the national anthem. We can look the other way as children are torn from their parents, blaming the parents because they wanted a better life for their kids, blaming the Dems because they want some justice and equality for immigrants, blaming those damn liberals for thinking Jesus is a democrat. We can pretend that NOW standing still as a black person, trying to purchase goods as a black person, or just being a black person and calling the COPS is not a racial thingie, but more of a get out of my personal space kind of thingie.
We can sing God Bless America but dare we use the freedom of free speech to take a knee or demand justice or equality, we suddenly forget about the Constitution, and demand that if you don’t love this country then leave it. We can watch fireworks spread across the skies, in shades of blues and red and whites, stars bursting in air, and still think that those folk who wave the Confederate Flag are truer Americans than those who beg for the stars and stripes to keep ALL of us equal and free. We can once again celebrate a holiday thinking its the American way of life, the proper thing to do, and forget that kids in Flint Michigan are dying of lead poisoning, and that school aged kids are dying in their classrooms.
We can let it be called a witch hunt, a spy gate, a bunch of unhappy Clinton supporters, but we must NEVER succumb to the truth, that Donald Trump and his army of anarchists and Republican enablers, have done EVERYTHING possible to remove, and rid this nation of the true sense of honoring those who served as Troops and volunteers to keep America a place where EVERYONE can find their pursuit of happiness and all men and women are equal. Don’t look away even on a special day like Memorial Day, because the enemy is sitting with his and her barrels loaded ready to kill the next efforts to keep America free!