And to no ones surprise, except the Flat Earth People, or the Only a Good Guy With a Gun Can Protect Us From bad Guys With a Gun People, the mystery of both the mental and physical health of Donald Trump, remains just that…an item for which no one has the correct and legit answer. Two physicians, and two lying liars pretending to be professionals. And of course we move on from this folly because, well because there are at least three dozen other lying liars who are helping to keep secret the actions, the intent, and the misdeeds of a man hacked into the office of Commander-In-Chief. We know nothing about his taxes, we know nothing about his businesses and adding to the list we know nothing about his physical well being and his state of mind. And somehow, this IS okay! Somehow, the office of President has become the throne of a Royal Family, playing by separate rules, and playing American’s for fools.
A guilty man is soaking upon the energy of this nation, basking in the limelight, lit up by a band of merry men and women who understand democracy IS not their friend, and the only way to maintain power is to subject everyone else as powerless. A majority of Americans want to play by the rules, but it seems the minority of lemmings insist that rules like facts are appropriate and so we go on and on and on, with a Tyrant, Treasonous, Treacherous, Trump still in power, and everyone else powerless.
Oh yeah, and now we discover that not only is the guy in the Oval Office untouchable, but his daughter the Princess, also a symbol of fragility. Good ole Rudy (please let me have one more 9/11 moment) Giuliani has informed the nation using jus the right intonation and articulation, that the American people will go nuts if Robert Mueller has the sheer UnAmerican nerve to subpoena Ivanka. Rudy speaks of this woman who has sat in on meetings with lack of a true security check, who has been at her daddy’s side pre campaign and post campaign, and who actually has an office in the West Wing, as just an innocent child unaware of the crimes and collusion floating all around her. Rudy has done a fine job interpreting to the bigots and haters and delusional supporters of Trump that little innocent Ivanka is just a daughter, just a porcelain delicate child, and who but the worst boggy man would even consider claiming she too is an anarchist. Anyone working in the Trump administration, anyone enabling the Trump administration, and anyone still supporting Trump over the Constitution of this nation is and are guilty. But to no one’s surprise, except those who believe anything from FOX News, we move on again and ignore yet one more gnawing question, questioning the legality and sanity of Trump.