Wednesday, May 16, 2018

another fraud

Funny thing about security leaks, and Trump and paybacks and the understanding by the Chinese Government of how easy and breezy it is to slip a half billion dollars into the slimy pockets of the orange man. Even funnier is a Chinese telephone company accused of selling technology to Iran and North Korea. The joke becomes quite humorous when you add in the fact that a theme park is being built outside the city of Jakarta Indonesia, with a themed golf course and hotel to be owned and titled by Trump, and that as with all Trump real estate efforts, there is a lack of capital to even begin building, so anything under the table is quite a suitable maneuver, quite the preferred form of business.

No matter, it has been proven that phone maker company ZTE has been banned from buying anything from the US, for fear that the products will be transformed into easy to use spy materials against the US and as bonus items for the economies of both Iran and North Korea, Trump is certain that by doing so, he will gain an invitation for the Nobel Peace Prize by appeasing China who will then push harder for North Korea to denuclearize its warheads. No matter Trump is breaking yet another law, The Emolument Clause which says “No Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” Even though Trump has sworn he has nothing to with his family’s business while sitting in the Oval Office, this new Theme park in Indonesia is just one more lie, from the lying jack ass trusted by 40% of Americans who believe cheating, collusion and and acting the criminal makes America great.

So one has to wonder how could this happen. Where is the oversight committee headed by the GOP, you know the one that shouted Benghazi/Her Email’s/ forever and ever, you know the Republicans that warned us how much of a criminal Hillary was and would be. Where are the Republicans demanding that this self-serving, self profiting stop! Whatever the voodoo,Trump has used on on behalf of Putin is certainly working well with the Republicans, who could give a fuck that the Chinese will now have a new tool to target the secrets of the US, while trump remains lost in his narcissistic mania counting his money at the cost of democracy for America!