Thursday, May 10, 2018

Hmm, I wonder

So we are told by the entertainment folk sitting in the newsrooms that since unemployment is at its lowest point since the beginning of the 21st Century, and that the economy is vibrant, the polling numbers for Trump are on the rise. We are also told by the well groomed Talking Heads, that the Dems have more to worry about because the next generation to really sway the vote, the Millennials care little about cultural changes in this nation, are bored with the lack of respect for the Constitution, and honestly care about their paychecks, seemingly so much that a repeat of a Republican majority in Congress will ensue. Steve Kornacki almost acting like an idiot savant on MSNBC, was doing his usual gyrations of this and that how and why not voters voted as they did, pretending that somehow his knowledge of percentages really count. Remember when we were certain Hillary would win the nomination for President, until she didn’t, and until we realized she lost because democracy died in 2016. I understand that most cable news outlets thrive on explaining what they don’t understand in such eloquent terms that the bull shit they spew almost actually sounds real. Bring on enough highly paid Talking Heads, throw in a few statisticians, provide just enough pretend debate with drama avoid most facts and suddenly a new projection of life ahead is hatched.

Hmmm, I wonder, as I walk to the gym in West Hollywood, passing by homeless people sleeping on the streets, a continuum of people reaching into the trash bins, looking for food, as house prices soar to the $1.5 million dollar range, as people with mental health issues have arguments on the street with an imaginary enemy. Hmmm, I wonder, reading about how the new version of Trump care will raise the prices  for insurance, how older people will receive less of their money coming back to them when they retire, as gasoline prices rise. Hmmm, I wonder, when the new Mom and Pop storefronts all along Los Angeles showcase shoes starting at $2500, dresses at $3500 and coffee and juice bars selling a regular cup of anything liquid for about $7.50 a cup. Hmmm, I wonder do the people who project the politics of this nation actually live in this nation?

So, we are told that it seems Trump’s style is becoming less offensive and more the norm, the prize is in the pudding and the pudding is the rise in his positive ratings. Hmmm, I wonder, have I lost my check on reality, or in fact has reality taken a vacation, not to return until everything in this world remains lopsided, loony and run by losers…who it seems are doing a whole lot of winning! Hmm, I wonder!