Putin had a plan, he needed a man, to make sure his plan, THAT of a devious, destructive demise of democracy. Putin decided Donald the Dumb should be declared the winner in the almost democratic process, desired by a once world power, the United States! So with bankrolls of money, Putin and his gang of Oligarchs blackmailed and bribed a broad range of Republicans, who were wise enough to understand their brand of bigotry sold well in the land of the Confederacy, and FOX News clones, but for the fair-minded, free thinker, anything GOP, was groping at straws, and truly a no go if the districts were not gerrymandered. Putin had patience, and a vendetta, as did the Germans longing for revenge who became the ringleaders of the Third Reich. Vendettas are like very venomous vermin, then they attack, the poison spreads through the bloodstream, first maiming, then confusing, and finally killing the prey. No more enemy, no more angst, and the victory is complete.
Trump had the need for greed, the kind that comes with power, prestige, and prominence. In a usual world, hard work, handily lets that happen, but in a dim, dark diminished cave, void and vacant of conscience, care or concern, to become better, has nothing to do with courage, and everything to entice the cowardliness and callowness craving for attention inside your gut, where a conscience was supposed to be. A pathological liar is so good at creating his or her reality, a needy narcissist needs knowingly feeds upon others fears, and a traitor has no need for allies, just anarchists who, too feel that they are right and everyone else is not only wrong but must be gotten rid of.
McConnell made sure that his empire would, like the Death Star, take no prisoners. Prepared with peppered propaganda, nurtured from a nation of Communists, and written by a news network who understood how to victimize and when to verbalize the lack of values and virtues of its cult-like viewers, the Republican leader made promises to hateful demographics to destroy the current form of democracy and replace it with a new Nationalism, and let the Evangelicals call it a Christian Nationalism. McConnell, permitted his southern flank of Confederate soldiers and his Northern wing of White Supremacists to burn, beat up and beret the OTHERS, hoping that while the turmoil’s temperature reached enough heat to melt any meeting in the middle, the GOP cold fill the Supreme Court with activist Judges, Christian Conservative Federal Judges, and for the hell of it destroy the lives of the LGBTQ community and take back ownership of the Chattel known a female reproductive parts.
Putin, Trump, and McConnell all, NOT playing by the rules understood that most of the Democrats and the Liberals, and the Progressives, would still cling to the melancholy manner of abiding by the Constitution. Let them lament on the good old days these three lawless leaders would laugh with glee: let them pretend we care, so they can waste time trying to provide fair, and equal and justice, while the three of us, destroy the very foundation upon which the rest of the country assumes will provide the truth. One more day, even more, chaos, and somehow the bad guys keep winning!