Friday, May 4, 2018

oh damn

Oh damn, he bombed Syria after informing both Putin and al-Assad. He was provided with directions and guidelines by both murderers of when and where to waste our weaponry, all because diversion, and deflection usually fool the most stupid of his followers. Praised as a bold leader by the paid by Putin Republicans, Trump chuckled and in his delusional diarrhea of dementia thought he pulled another one on the American people. Alas alack, Putin and al-Assad are still in charge of the massacres in Syria and more and more innocents are dying each day. If Putin ain’t poisoning his own people, he is helping pay his pal al-Assad to chemically kill the people of Syria. But then its Trump and until the Republicans in power demonstrate power, Trump will continue to try and preserve his powers.

He now is thinking that less Troops in South Korea is the ticket. Yep, appease Putin a little more, cause, there is so much more blackmail waiting to be spilled, that removing Troops from South Korea will make it that much easier for the Korean War to restart and the demise of the Democratic Republic of South Korea. Again, divert, deflect, pretend that that you are the warrior and you hard ass attempts to bully other bully’s really works. What a fool, thinking that another narcissist, a tyrant, and insecure blow hard, is going to acquiesce to your huffing and puffing. It’s a fools game, and Trump is certain that because Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham and of course the plastic imbeciles on FOX and Friends think it’s a swell plan, most of the stupid 40% of Americans will applaud it.

And then Trump addresses the NRA, never once attended the funerals for the Parkland people murdered, always finding reason for more guns, we have to watch as this man, who is found a liar, an incompetent moron, and an illegitimate Commander-In Chief, continues to raise his middle finger to the Constitution and to the American people. There is law, and sadly something called Trump’s Law.