“Today, we’re fighting back in court for every person’s individual rights and freedoms, which go to the heart of who we are as a country. This dangerous law decimates a woman’s right to control her life at the most basic level, including whether and when to become a parent. Enough is enough. Gov. Kim Reynolds has no right to impose her beliefs on Iowa women. We will not back down until every person has the freedom and opportunity to make the health care decisions that are best for them and their families.” Statement from Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America:
The Iowa Fetal Heartbeat Abortion Law The law, set to go into effect July 1, bans abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, generally about six weeks into a pregnancy—before some women know they’re pregnant. The “heartbeat” bill passed the Iowa House and Senate earlier this month and was signed by Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds soon after.
Trump’s 2019 budget proposes to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) by more than $213 billion over the next ten years — nearly a 30 percent cut — through radically restructuring how benefits are delivered, cutting eligibility for at least 4 million people, and reducing benefits for many others. (See Table 1.)[1] The unemployed, the elderly, and low-income working families with children would bear the brunt of the cuts. These proposals come on the heels of a tax law the President championed that will mainly benefit the wealthy and corporations and that’s expected to add $1.5 trillion to deficits over ten years.
In the State of Michigan, residents of Flint are still drinking poisoned water, and many who had done so before the republican Christian Legislature even pretend to be interested are dying a slow painful death. In Puerto Rico, many schools, homes and neighborhoods are still beyond recognition let alone appropriate and safe for living. Families who happen to be mostly of brown skin and speak Spanish are being torn apart either by parents being deported to Mexico, or Mom and Pop going to jail while the kids go to some of the best concentrations this country can offer.
Now, if you call yourself Pro Life, and all of the above seems like silly stuff as compared to what Jesus’s intent really has been and is for this country, you have no idea of sympathy, empathy or the true meaning of both the Constitution, and what being a true religious person should be. When you decide to play the role of God, you are nothing but the Devil. Lets get serious people…those in this nation who claim they know God, know shit when they behave the way this current breed of self anointed Christian mercenaries have tried to take over our democracy.