Perhaps it is because Joe and I watch way too many horror movie, many of which are really horribly written, but because of the many movies we have viewed, Joe and I have come to an important agreement…if either one of us swears we saw a ghost, or a monster, or a demon or a creature from outer space, the other husband will agree that THE ENCOUNTER, could be real, and not play the part of the character in a poorly written and predicable movie who denies such existence only to face dire consequences. If one of us is scared, really terrified, we can count on the other to help rectify that fear or in fact help face down the boggy man, working as a team. And oh yeah, for good measure, Joe and I will never say words like you go to the attic and I will check the basement and meet in the living room, WE all know that splitting up is bull shit, and any creature worth his or her or its weight in the scare factor, understands just how stupid the idea of splitting up is for mere mortals.
So, America, I am more afraid today than yesterday, and I am certain my fear will intensify even greater tomorrow. It seems Trump has called out more guard dogs and is pushing his way through the democratic process which once held the foundation of this nation together, and even as his lies have been demonstrated too be LIES, even as his guilt has demonstrated to be GUILT, today we have Rudy Giuliani with the support of Trump and his brownshirt Republicans calling the FBI, Stormtroopers, and demanding that the Constitution which includes laws the president must adhere to, be ignored, and that those investigating anything Trump become under investigation themselves. The words that float through my brain are Dictator, Banana republic, Hitler, Stalin, Putin and Fascism. I have seen a monster in my house (America) and am warning my family (Americans) to become alert and very afraid. And oh yeah to pick your heads out of your ass and look around.
We have been invaded by the Russians during the hacking of the 2016 elections, spooky invisible creatures deciding upon the direction of our democracy. Now we are being invaded by an invalid, illegal, idiot of a self serving monster using the best demon army he can muster, and it seems with the assistance of a spineless and paid for GOP and a randy group of bigots and racists the demon army is rapidly haunting this home of ours. Now if you and voted for Trump and still call yourself a Republican, and STILL get all pissy that the men and women you voted for hate this nation and most of t demographics living here, and feel insulted, BUT refuse to understand the scare value of the denial of Constitutional values and laws, then just call yourself an enemy of the state…just like those you support. Trump has lied and lied and lied about almost everything. The Republicans have enabled Trump to lie. Our house is haunted, all the evidence apparent…NOW are you going to be like that awfully written character in a horror movie who says there i nothing to worry about, until he either dies or those he loves disappear…OR are you finally going to believe what is right in front of your nose and help fight the EVIL!