Donald Trump said at a Naval Academy commencement address Friday that “our ancestors tamed a continent,” adding that “we are not going to apologize for America.”
"Together there is nothing Americans can't do, absolutely nothing," Trump told 2018 graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy. “In recent years, and even decades, too many people have forgotten that truth. They've forgotten that our ancestors trounced an empire, tamed a continent, and triumphed over the worst evils in history."
He added: "America is the greatest fighting force for peace, justice and freedom in the history of the world. We have become a lot stronger lately. We are not going to apologize for America. We are going to stand up for America.” (Newsweek)
The Indigenous People of America, now live on Tribal land, still under the fear of Eminent Domain claims by the brave US government, having little say in anything except perhaps how to run a casino, and perhaps receive some money from the pipelines of oil running through their sacred burial sites. Immigrant families seeking asylum, whether legally or not are received at our southern boarder, the parents arrested and their children torn from them taken away to camps sometimes 1000 miles away, something similar to the Concentration camps used by the Germans to disrupt the lives of families and provide fear in the hearts of the innocent children. Dreamers, are no longer welcome on this continent, at least the part calling itself the United States of America, because, Trump needs a scapegoat, his followers, all inadequate, insecure and angry at their own miscalculations life, believe doing that will make America great again. Now just driving as a black person is not longer a danger, but walking, standing, waiting in line or even entering your own home while being black is a bad thing, and some kind of thing in which the police must be called, to ease the fear of senile, stupid, racists, who love to use the line I feared for my life. Some politicians of the Republican persuasion have also deemed the LGBTQ community not worthy of purchasing a house, adopting children, and of course any kind of safety net while working a job while being a homosexual.
“Love it or Leave it”, a popular phrase begun by Joe McCarthy to rid the US of free thinkers who had to be Communists, then used in full force by the Southern Bigots and Eastern Racists toward anyone who disagreed with a politically inspired and politically corrupt war, the Viet Nam War, who dared question the lack of wisdom by the government for this continuous aggression in South East Asia, is back again. This time of course, it is used against the audacity of mostly black football players who have decided that the words of the National Anthem are meaningless when the lyrics have nothing to do with black lives mattering. It was cool for Tim Tebow to take a knee against abortion, but that was Jesus standing behind him, and everyone knows that Jesus wrote the National Anthem, so taking a knee was the Christian thing to do.
And then there are those nasty kids from parkland, the ones who actually had the audacity to call out the NRA, the politicians receiving bribes from the NRA, and the group of anarchists all ready to fight the government of the US, because they don’t like when via the democratic process their own kind don’t win elections. Oh, yeah you have to wonder how much men like Putin, nations like China and North Korea really believe America has become stronger. This is Memorial Day Weekend. You rally have to wonder in the year 2018, what are we really memorializing? Trump is still in the White House, his Republican enablers still the majority party and his Republican donors still self serving Christian Supremacists with disregard for democracy but great read for greed, gluttony and anarchy!