Saturday, July 28, 2018


Seven hundred eleven children, 711 kids, it ain’t 1000, and none of them are white, most of them don’t even speak English that well. It’s life biting you in the behind, that all, you win some and then you lose 711 in a bureaucratic mess, made worse because who the hell even cared about the outcome of Zero Tolerance. 711 innocent kids, so what kind of life were they going to have anyway, always on the run from illicit governments, criminals, and thugs, health and welfare systems which never could adequately handle the real needs of families and kids. Oh yeah, and these 711 kids, well blame their parents for abandoning them in the first place, had their parents not wanted to seek asylum in the first place, all 711 kids would not even be a talking point!

Isn’t it wiser to keep America safer from the kind of families whose only purpose was to seek refuge from totalitarian, dictatorial, mafia, ridden countries, entering our nation…while pretending that the Russian Oligarchs who have bought and paid for luxury Towers to be built, multi-million homes and condo’s to be purchased, trips to exotic locations…and secret money laundering deals are the TRULY bad guys. This IS America, we pride ourselves in the Capitalistic economy, money is the power, especially in the pocket of politicians. 711 more kids would just add to the socialistic machinations which only hurt the ancestors of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, George Wallace, and Fred Trump. Everyone knows that socialism only adds a burden to the glorious life of a thriving PLUTOCRACY. IMAGINE taxes being used by a government to keep its citizens living semi-productive lives with social security, Medicare, affordable health care, food assistance, free public education, and now $12 billion dollars in Farm Aid. As many Republicans dressed in their White Robes and White Hoods with just the right touch of the red swastika on their shirt sleeves, Any kind of welfare just creates slavery. 711 kids kidnapped, and most likely orphaned, come on, more children become orphaned each year from evil clowns or tornados!

It is Saturday, July 28, 2018. Kids are enjoying vacations, playing in the parks, spending times with grandparents going to summer camps (not the kind inside old Wal-Mart Warehouses) Each and every parent worth his or her weight as a parent always has a keen eye out for the safety and welfare of their child. each and every parent says a thank you to God or a higher power or to one another when their children return home from a long day away! I am sure even Kirsten Nielsen from Homeland Security, or Alex Azar from HHS, and even the Keebler Elf from Attorney General's office all sigh a deep inhale knowing their kids and or, grandkids are safe and free and without worry. (Not certain of Trump, not even aware he has a kid living in the White House, and god knows how many other pretend they are not my kids, being too concerned) 711 children, innocents, individuals, scared, scarred, and certain for a most disastrous future, because, one man, empty, insecure, mad, and inhuman has decided to kick his heels and pretend he is God!