Is it 1300, is it 700, is it 450, is it 1, MEH, it doesn’t matter, they are kids of a multitude of browns, speaking some foreign language, not American, and since they all had been carried to full term and are out of the womb, what the fuck is everyone making such a big deal about. So a Federal Judge demanded that any child separated during Trump’s Final Solution…oops there I go again, I mean his Zero Tolerance, be returned to his or her family. Kidnapping, creating orphans, terrorizing, and traumatizing children are crimes of cruelty, civil rights and a kind of Communist maneuver to maintain a sad man’s balance of the bully pulpit. But hey Kidnapping/Tariffs/Pollution/Costly Health Care/Collusion/Conspiring with an Enemy/Hacking Elections/and deciding that there are Good Nazi’s and Not So Nice Nazi’s, along with creating your own SS division calling it ICE IS what makes America Great.
I am not sure if I truly understand how the law works when it comes to the crimes committed by politicians/the government agencies or the Executive Branch. I had once assumed no one was above the law, but damn since Putin placed Trump in the White House, every single law I had heard of and even some obscure laws have been broken, and it seems very few people representing the US Government are in jail. I am not naive, but boy, everything I learned from elementary school to college regarding American history, the American Constitution, the American Justice system has become just as Trump screams routinely FAKE NEWS.
The Justice Department, The Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Health and Human Services has ignored a Federal Court Order and have not reunited all of the Kidnapped children with their families. I can only imagine a squadron of FBI agents local and state police and even the State Troopers surrounding the homes of Kidnappers, grabbing those criminals and thing them not into a cushy Federal prison but some local county jail where rot is the decor for the cell. So, I ask this question, in all sincerity: Why hasn’t Kirsten Nielsen, Director of Homeland Security, Alex Azar, Director of HHS and Attorney General Jeff Sessions been arrested and carted away. Imagine, just imagine, if the same politicians who demand law and order, but who refuse to abide by that law and order were actually treated like the average American, or the average American Kidnapper…imagine if those three people were placed in jail for disobeying a Federal Court Order to return ALL of the children, and had to remain in prison until all of the unification were complete, how FAST, how QUICKLY, how EASILY this problem of Kidnapping could be completed!