Tuesday, July 31, 2018

shock and AWE

Where to begin…I am not certain, when in my 68 years of being an American…I am utterly confused as to where to begin…700 kids kidnapped and now we hear some, just to keep them quiet and less fearful drugged, just so the FEDERAL KIDNAPPERS could have some peace and quiet from the newly created orphans…Flint, fuck Flint, they have had enough lead in their water…so please stop complaining of any new cases, because the city is gonna be too concerned with taking care of the old cases, and the Republican-controlled Legislature and Governor, have taxes to cut for the wealthy…Puerto Rico, what huh, aren't they an island owned by Cuba anyway…and aren’t the Cubans Communists, and remember that time Obama the Kenyan actually went to a funeral in Cuba to honor Fidel Castro, so why waste any hard earned White Supremacy dollars on a bunch of no- English speaking must be Cuban citizens anyway.

Where to begin…collusion, what kind of word is that anyway, and anyway any red-blooded, especially Type Putin would OF COURSE happily take money and assistance from a foreign country especially the baddest ass foreign country like Russia to one-upmanship the democratic process. You think Trump was gonna let a woman, like Hillary, beat him in an election. Rudy snorts cocaine then goes on TV and becomes the alien as it tries to break through its host’s stomach to become free…the new norm is shyster speaking in tongues, with hand gestures so awkward that people who red sign language have all gone blind…Now its good break laws say the GOP, who have quietly been breaking laws once they realized that honesty and fairness will get them actually nowhere with bigots and racists…Oh yeah, let's add a fake Congressional hearing or two where anyone Trump is free not to answer any question concerning the 2016 election if they desire not to. Why complicate matters by saying you INDEED were complicit in criminal actions against the United States.

And now the Crusades are making a comeback. With Jeff Sessions, who has perjured himself at least three times, Mike Pence, who considers Trump a Christian in Training, and every other Snake Oil, Grifter, Pay to Pray Evangelical hypocrite paving the way to follow a Holy Bible, mind you not just any Holy Bible, but one that denies freedoms, equality, and any kind of pursuit of happiness to any American deemed as… Gay, or Lose and Loud Woman, anyone of Color (remember God had his color chart out when he created man just so everyone would know who was on top and who was worth shit), a believer in cult-like religions such as Islam, Judaism and some of those other cow loving, yoga attire wearing thingamabobs. If it ain’t The 700 Club Way, then it ain’t American…

Where to begin…and there is so much more, but I suddenly have a severe headache, and what I hope is just acid reflux flowing into my chest. It seems we are hoping that November comes and some kind of shock and awe will fall from the skies and save our souls. As it stands for me, at this moment, it will be more of the George Bush Shock and Awe, where nothing happens toward the good guy, the bad guy begins to win the game, again!