Friday, July 20, 2018

and yet

Kids are still in cages, some forever orphaned, some carrying the seeds of major future emotional and traumatic syndromes, never ever to be repaired or removed. The water in Flint is still filled with the kind of poison to inhibit any normal growth of the brain and other organs of a young body, and will only bring upon an older body a tsunami of cancers and life-destroying diseases. The ex EPA director weaseled enough lobby money from corporations intent on permitting ash, coal, toxins from chemicals to run off into the creeks, lakes, and rivers flooding into the plumbing of homes and the plumes of water irrigating crops.

Security tests have been failed by family members yet secrets and confidentialities continue to be shared and sold. Those least able to control their cannot positions still maintain the power to ruin education standards, out price low income families to eat healthy, discontinue any quality health care let alone affordable prices, and the once national parks system, a powerhouse of the beauty of America are now open to become the same cesspools as the major polluted cities in China. Out of spite, out insecurity, out jealousy, out of jerkiness, out of incompetence and out of ignorance, anything Obama has been banned and will continue to buried and burned just as simply as the motives behind Fahrenheit 451.

Adultery is a jovial delight, the touch of a female’s genitals, just a good ole’ boy behaving so deliciously inappropriate. But don’t let that lady touch her own vagina, or worry about its health, for she then is the villain and the true enemy of some kind of God, who prefers guns, bigotry, bias, and hypocrisy. Scream decry the actions of this who protest and use their First Amendment rights, call them traitors if they dare take a knee to protest the degradation of segregation, but wave your Confederate Flag, wear your white robe and hood and raise your right arm into the air shouting while singing “Sieg Heil Viktoria”. And oh yeah, always know whenever a dictator murders his own people, or imprisons them, tortures them and demands COMPLETE abeyance, he is a STRONG leader whose hands are large and whose must be a real man because he has generals and he can control all of those generals by applying pressure to their balls…which must make the dictator one well-endowed dude!

And oh yeah be a Republican, an insecure, imbecile aware that your politics minus gerrymandered districts, illegal voter restrictions, and promoting fear instead of facts and of course a hard heaping bucket of sludge draped as blackmail IS the only way you can maintain your job. Worry not about patriotism or democracy, or freedom of men the future…your preference to save, to hide, to approve, to collude with Trump and his Crime Family is the only responsibility you have toward the United States Constitution!