Saturday, July 21, 2018

civil war

A recent poll stated that many Alabamians feel they have more in common with the style of government, planned and practiced by Putin. A firm hand, no necessity for compromise, and the purification from their personal pipeline democracy from the threat of radicals which only get in the way of a purer Alabama. Why even the current Governor of Alabama Key Ivy, the Lt Governor, who found herself in the Governor's mansion due to an illicit and adulterous affair by the previous Governor, Robert Bently made it clear that she WILL not tolerate any Liberal American demanding SHE removes Confederate statues from her state. The South never lost the Civil War, it just stopped the fighting on the battlefields but it continued to remain a separate nation, because the definition for the pursuit of happiness was never a pursuit for all but only a select few, to be judged by even a more select few.

Let's get real America, stop pretending that just because we have MSNBC or CNN and maybe ABC, CBS, and NBC, somehow the fish for fair and freedom stands a chance. We can gather as many Talking Heads with credentials conflated, concocted, all coming from some real world from some other universe, and we can flash across the screen as many red banners announcing Breaking News flashing the faces of News Personalities fraught with caution, caught with agony and angst as they look into the camera with the kind of disbelief as if they were in the midst of farting while on camera, reciting the most recent of treasonous, or collusion, or crime or money laundering or lying schemes, and shaking their collective heads as IF this newest invention of cyberwarfare is even too much to comprehend. We can catch those elusive Republican cowards running in the hallways, ensuring us that THIS time, some serious questions must be raised, or that this time, like the time before Trump misspoke, to that this time, as usual, there is no news just opinions. No one is stopping Trump and McConnell and Nunes and Ivanka and Ryan and Stephen Miller and Putin from winning the war. Smoke, mirrors, money from the Mercer Family or the Koch Brothers or Sheldon Adelson, or the darkest of dirty demon money from Russian Oligarchs funneled and laundered via the NRA are the real champions…and no matter the effort to pretend any of this will stop, it doesn’t and one more day goes by, more secrets shared, fewer checks and balances, and more victories by Putin become the news.

I am sad, and In a way, I am glad Miss MacAteer, my Social Studies teacher from elementary school is no longer alive to witness the collapse of a nation she so vehemently declared a safe harbor in a complex world. Miss McAteer defended the Founding Fathers as men of courage, of conviction but most importantly with the wisdom to see into the future. The Constitution, according to Miss MacAteer was a colocation of idea and ideals, much stronger than ONE person's opinions, and more durable for the weak and woeful ramblings and rumblings of a few poor losers.  Everything I learned from Miss MacAteer and all of my other Civics teachers, all of the facts, acting as steel rods to support this nation, all of the details drilled into the granite of this nation which would keep our democracy housed and honed…all of the greatness from real leaders who placed country before self…all the promises made that were put in place to keep us, AMERICA, have been weakened, wrecked and are becoming null and void. Of course part of it is due to Trump selling his soul, but the majority is the GOP who never had a soul, and it is the people like those living in Alabama who believe God believes in bigotry, bias and bogus and bullies.

Honestly, aside from revolutionary revolt what do we do…or do we just sit back and wonder why we never tried hard enough to win the Civil War!