He had it coming
He had it coming
He only had himself to blame
If you'd have been there
If you'd have heard it
I betcha you would have done the same! (Cell Block Tango, Kander and Ebb)
Walk back from the spokespeople of a MADMAN who just happens to be the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful democracy. Excuses, you misunderstood the intent, you rearranged my sentence structure and made me say things you wanted to hear. “I could shoot someone in the middle of times square, and get away y with it”. I CAN commit TREASON and CAN get away with it. I didn’t do it, but then maybe I did it, but then why not do it, but if I hadn’t done it, things would have been worse, so I had to do it because I make things better!
Too astonishing to consider that Trump is a double agent, why, because, well, come one he is our president. Too astonishing to consider because Putin said before Trump decided to run for president nosy in Russia even cared about this narcissistic psycho. Too astonishing to believe because not even the Republican’s could permit this kind of crime to happen…the Republicans who took an oath to NOT pass anything that Obama ever laid on the table as legislation. Too astonishing because, well, after all this is the US and we have checks and balances, a divide between church and state, a Constitution to follow after we read the Bible.
Lets, see IF WE play by the rules, then any rule of law broken, will be repaired because the good guy wins in America. Or is it that the guy that's good at laundering money, being bribed and blackmailed, and soothing his own personal gains is the winner. One brave Republican standing tall, two braver Republicans standing for democracy, three bravest Republicans demanding that the demise of decency is not okay. We hem and haw, thinking that somehow if only we can make it to the Mid Terms… Too astonishing to believe, riots in the street, causing Trump to call for Martial Law…too astonishing to believe a military coup, once trump removes the current generals and replaces them with his own White Nationalists…too astonishing to believe that almost any super secret security analysis has NOT already been breached or shared with Putin. How much more insult to the real Patriots of this nation? How many more double speak press briefings? How many more lies? How much more will the Republicans cover up and conceal the truth that Trump simply put is Putin’s bitch, and because of that ALL of America is getting fucked!