To the people of Montana, all of you who wore your MAGA hats, your I Love Trump T-Shirts, who drove home in cars made from those nasty NATO countries, your cars and trucks decorated with the Confederate Flag, and Nazi paraphernalia, tucked away under your seats, or in the glove compartment…to all the people of Montana feeling brave and entitled and even more educated as Trump delivered his version of American democracy, American diplomacy, better yet American doomsday…to all the Gals, the Ladies, the Lassies, who giggled an applauded as Trump eluded to just how AWFUL it has been for him to try and pretend that #Me Too Movement was anything but a non surgical way to remove a man from his penis…to all of you who place your hand over your heart as you Pledge Allegiance to a flag, from which most of you have no idea about its true history, or those of you who hate when those Negro’s, who must certainly hate the Troops because they take a knee as the National Anthem plays, but care less about the lack of treatment regarding those same Troops receive from the Trump Administration always cutting taxes from the wealthy so they can cut costs for entitlement programs you know like the VA Department, Health Insurance, For Assistance and Rent…to all of you people who love to be dominated, love to be subservient, drown in self pity and pray for a scapegoat, so you look tougher…FUCK YOU! I will not assume nor suggest, but I certainly will bet the majority of YOU have never once read a history book, once glanced at the US Constitution, or have the slightest notion of the words Fascist, dictator or duped!
Please, people with common sense….please people who identify politically as Democrats/Progressives/Liberals/ those of you after watching the GOP kowtow to Putin, Evangelical Nationalists/ and the snake oil Trump cabinet, who still insist you are Independent voters…rewatch the Trump rally in Montana or for that matter, and recent Trump rally, and listen as the crowd applauds racist remarks, cheers misogynist slander, praise with glee, Kim Jung-un and Vladimir Putin while booing and hissing Canada, NATO, and leaders of nations who have helped to keep our democracy, while teetering on the edge, at least still alive.
There is no playing NICE from Trump or his Crime Family of politicians. There is NEVER a debate from anyone Trump as to right or wrong, good or bad. There is TRUMP and nothing else. Let's stop playing by the rules, let's stop being civil, let's stop counting the lies and LET US BEGIN to play as rough and rotten as the Republicans and their Divine Leader Trump do. Nice moved out of the White House and NASTY took over!