In every Zombie movie, every alien invasion film, in every motion picture based on an invasion of the very basic way of life, which supposedly make another day in America a little normal and now a whole lot scarier and intense, we find a group of survivors comes together hoping to maintain some kind of consistency to stay alive even if doing so is just finding water, shelter, and food one day at a time. Of course for the dramatic intent, there is always some internal dispute, but on the whole, the group we meet, only wishes to survive from point A to location B. And in almost 99% of any apocalyptic TV or movie made, the real question becomes, are the Zombies, or aliens, or monsters, the real enemy OR is it the townsfolk who suddenly decay into a mob mentality, a host of hostile humans, or just a bunch of losers who somehow feel with decline of decency their inner deviant behavior can push them to the head of the line. So who do we begin to fear the most? AND in most cases, we discover the rot and ruin of mankind has been hiding, in suburbia, the rural area and the urban section of our neighborhoods almost like most deadly of virus such as Ebola in the scrublands of Africa. If we maintain the attempt to remain civil to be inclusive, we can mask the deterioration which has crept into our society, like the lead in the pipelines of Flint…but of we begin to shout FIRE, the resources of restraint become rotted with holes and the poison flows as free as it wishes, spurned on by inferior, self-loathing Earth-bred monsters, who have and do live amongst us!
Trumps boisterous show and tell, his narcissistic and nasty intentions, his fire and brimstone bull shit, is all a SHIT SHOW, choreographed and produced, like his TV show The Apprentice for Trumps base, the first group of people who if in time of dire consequences, would horde food, fire weapons, create a caste system, and become more frightening than any scourge that found footing on American soil. Today’s NATO demonstration void of fact, vacant of any intelligence, was the perfect sound bite, 15 minutes of fame, an empty pathological liar, the inept and insecure person needed to prove to the most insecure of lemmings, that MIGHT is RIGHT, and details need never follow.
Trump knows that he will receive raw reviews from his Cult, and will be able to secure a hate for allies ready to save us from ourselves, and at the same time when he meets with his boss Putin, invoke some back hills bull shit bastardization of the truth, making a man who only wishes for the decline of our democracy to be the next Abraham Lincoln…sort of like freeing the KKK, American Nazi, Christian Nationalist from the shackles of checks and balances and the belief that the pursuit of happiness is due process for EVERYONE, you know like those OTHERS!