Thursday, July 26, 2018

yet one more day

Another court ordered deadline to reunite the kidnapped and highjacked children from their immigrant asylum-seeking parents, and what do ya know…NADA…nothing, nope, the White House, Department of Justice, Homeland Security have no response, except, they need more time. So, in the meantime, let's keep those kids crying, scared, traumatized, and let's make sure their families suffer from the utter shame of just wanting a better life for their children. Its all about doing the Evangelical Christian theory of raising a child, this (Final Solution Thing) oops, I mean ZERO TOLERANCE gimmick. It is a child of Jesus, while in the mothers womb, but once that fetus enters the real world, then if his or her parents are not true Americans (you know the ones like the Native Americans who actually were born in this country), if they are not worthy parents, making enough money to purchase affordable insurance, pay for private schools, have enough money for three meals a day and even some snacks, of course, white folk, cause the Bible declares God created different colors so we could have worker bees, and of course if it is one man (like Trump, as long as he has one wife at a time) then that kid will be fine, just fine.

Sarcasm can only go so far, perhaps not as far as hypocrisy…but then I am not sure of the difference…The Trump Administration and Crime Family have missed court deadlines, have broken laws established by the Constitution, they have ignored freedoms and equality, and YET, the only consequence they have received questions by some brave journalists, either to be ignored, lied to (oh Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, you got some ‘splaining to do when your kids finally grow up and wonder aloud, why Mommy was such a douchebag), or the journalists get kicked out a RoseGarden.  There ARE NEVER any meaningful consequences for Trump’s adherence to breaking any kind of law put before him.

Today, the idiot is visiting the MidWest, I suppose if you follow the thought process of most so-called Conservative Christian Republicans, Trump must be doing a tour of Mid West Welfare Queens…You know the people who supposedly are on the US Government dole because they are too lazy to work. Seems Trump during his MidWest Welfare Queen visit has $12 billion dollars to throw away, to try and NEVER admit he has zero ideas of economics, of government, and of course of the lively hood of the same self-serving brand of Capitalists who voted him into power. Oddly enough these Make America Great bevy of Trump’s besties have now become lovers of Socialism. And yet, Flint’s water is full of lead, Puerto Ricans are without power, Putin knows every single code and secret war plan, McConnell, and Ryan are living the life of laundered money, and KIDNAPPED kids are still living in limbo!