Impeachment is a constitutional remedy addressed to serious offenses against the system of government. It is the first step in a remedial process— that of removal from public office and possible disqualification from holding further office. The purpose of impeachment is not personal punishment; rather, its function is primarily to maintain constitutional government.
Treason: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family. The betrayal of trust
Treachery: violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence
Narcissism exists on a continuum, but someone with NPD is grandiose (sometimes only in fantasy), lacks empathy, and needs admiration from others, as demonstrated by five of the following traits:
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance and exaggerates achievements and talents
3. Lacks empathy for the feelings and needs of others
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Believes he or she is special and unique and can be understood only by, or should associate only with, other special or of high-status people (or institutions)
6. Unreasonably expects special, favorable treatment or compliance with his or her wishes
7. Exploits and takes advantage of others to achieve personal ends
8. Envies others or believes they’re envious of him or her
9. Has “an attitude” of arrogance or acts that way (Psychology Today)
Enabler a person or thing that makes something possible. a person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behavior in another.
HEAD UP YOUR ASS: taking a shit on the Constitution in order to place at least 9 activist Evangelical Nationalistic Judges to the Supreme Court, followed by Federal District judges who will disallow, reproduction rights/same-sex marriage and same-sex adoptions/and any retail to seem sex couples. The thirds branch of government to become an adjunct of the Executive Branch to permit the breathing in of asbestos, drinking of runoff water from coal mines, the mining of national parks, and the creation of Evangelical Christianity as the official religion of the United States.
Denial the action of declaring something to be untrue. the refusal of something requested or desired. a statement that something is not true.
There can no longer be anymore pretense from those Americans who think, well it's just politics. There can be no more silence from those Americans who believe by remaining silent things will settle down. There can no longer be any more words like a witch hunt. We can no longer tolerate the Republican elected politicians from just responding with TEPID/MEANINGLESS words, who do so either to cover their own compliance with the crimes and criminal acts of the Trump Administration, or fear the wrath of a band of bigots/racists/xenophobes whose only answer for THEIR own miserable life is to find a scapegoat. Today, Donald Trump sold America to the highest bidder, to his banker, and to his blackmailer. Why and how Impeachment actions are not or have not been taken is more than unbelievable. We may be just one minute away from the demise of the United States of America!