This day, Monday, July 9, 2018, will be the second opportunity that a hacked into office, crime-riddled administration, paid for, by Evangelical Nationalists, promoted by corporations insisting that any restrictions on the environment is a slap in the face of Capitalism, blackmailed by an enemy of the state and a diabolical dictator who murders his political opponents, can change an already balance of choice, equality, freedoms, civil and human rights. Trump will pay off his alt-right, fascist puppet masters and nominate to the Supreme Court a Justice who will NOT place the lives and loves of the average American citizen above a perceived vision that somehow the Founding Leaders of this nation had no intention of a divide between church and state, and that the entire idea of checks and balances was ever a THING, to be considered.
I have read, from some posts that it is hilarious how the Dems and the Left side of politics are having hissy fits, or that come on its just the folks on either coast who are complaining OR all is fair in politics so get over it. I have read articles where supposed people of intelligence still consider having a CIVIL debate, AND I have watched as dozens of laws have been broken, or committed by the Trump Crime Family and their Associates, all addressed as illegal actions, but NONE of the perpetrators have yet spent any time either out of office or jail.
When does the normal person stop remaining quiet? When do those who consider them people of value begin to scream? When will the access of power swing to one side of injustice that, the balance of right and wrong can no longer be maintained or sustained? The tsunami is out there, the wave has grown, on Monday, July 9, 2018, the first white waters and riptides will hit this nation head on…will we just lie down and drown or make every effort to save our selves. When is enough, enough or have we already passed our chance to save ourselves?