I waited, I decided that Groundhog Day, needed to actually change its intentional repetitive nature, and the only way to do so, would be a concerted effort on my behalf, for my behalf to try and change, at least, the tick-tock of the same evil, lurking from the televised MAGA RE-ELECTION RALLY, known as the CORNONAVIRUS Task Force, (aka) THE TRUMP CLOWN SHOW, and the meek attempts of some of the Media covering this Propaganda Smorgasbord, to get an honest answer from a THING for which honesty is a contaminate to be feared! (Have you noticed how much larger in girth, Trump has become, no insult to body image here, but the man seems more bloated and bulbous, looking like both a Big Toe and a THUMB! He lumbers to the microphone and you can almost hear his heart begging him to stop. Why he even is having more difficulty in doing two things, turning his head to defer and deflect and answer from a reporter, and those Crazy Hand gestures of his, as minute as they may be, seem to work up a sweat, dripping the orange onto the white which for some reason is always under his eyes, as if he is a Drag Queen in a pageant! I personally believe, that even though he lies and the lie is coughed out of his lungs to infect the really dumb as shit, a part of the lie lingers within, and Trump is a bloated Behemoth ready, like that of a volcano to implode, and explode!
But, today’s I can’t stand it anymore, is MORE about a few other details, which irk the shit out of me. So, as hypocritical a was her BE BEST bullshit, motto, now Melania, the Anchor Immigrant, has become a model once again, she is not with other nude women, nor is she wearing a scant bikini, but instead she has on a face MASK, showing America that wearing a MASK during the Trump Virus, is a cool thing to do. But as usual, whatever it is that the PR dream team or is that the PROPAGANDA SCUM TEAM, prepares for Melania, to seem First Ladylike, and likable, Melania’s message is the complete opposite of what Trump pontificates against as he pretends his MACHISMO, will be the only weapon we need against COVID-19! I suppose the non-disclosure agreement, known as the wedding contract, says Melania must perform hypocrisy to maintain her percentage of the offshore money in any Trump account.
And while I am at it, venting, once again, did anyone notice, that whenever anyone but trump spoke, whoever it was seemed to be speaking three times faster than usual? They came they spoke, all of them as if the audio was on fast forward (almost sounding like Alvin and the Chipmunks.) And this time I actually tried to count the number of times Mike Pence either said, “THANK YOU MR.PRESIDENT,” ‘BECAUSE OF THE PRESIDENT,” “CERTAINTLY MR. PRESIDENT,” “PRESIDENT TRUMP ORGANIZED,” I swear I tried to keep count but when the number grew larger than 36, I had to give up! And oh yes, of course, TREMENDOUS, PERFECT, THE BEST, were placed in sentences where Trump could not read from the teleprompter, and as USUAL, the old “I inherited bad,” was thrown in for good measure. I then had to turn off the TV and SCREAM!